Instantly scale AI and machine learning workloads on GPU on-demand
Technology UbiOps
October 6, 2022 / September 4, 2023 by [email protected]
What type of applications would benefit from using GPUs? Graphical processing units (GPUs) have been around for decades and were originally used for gaming, graphics rendering and more recently for the mining of bitcoins, in the last decade, their use has extended to Machine Learning (ML) too. Their ability to process tens of thousands of […]
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June 22, 2022 / January 5, 2024 by [email protected]
Many low-code applications exist that could significantly benefit from machine learning. However, only a fraction of those cases currently have ML models running in the background. Therefore they’re missing out on the advantages of using data analytics and machine learning to gain a competitive edge over their competitors. One of the reasons AI and Machine […]
Blog Technology UbiOps
March 22, 2022 / January 8, 2024 by [email protected]
Let’s imagine the following use case: I’ve built a model that tries to predict how much a person will spend in an online webshop, using the age and the gender of a person. The training data set mostly consists of females, with the average age of all customers being 35. The model learns that mostly […]
Blog Functionality Product update Technology UbiOps
March 17, 2022 / July 26, 2023 by [email protected]
UbiOps version 2.15.0 On the 17th of March 2022, we have released new functionality and made improvements to the UbiOps SaaS product. Here is an overview of the new functionality and changes: Create your free account On-demand GPUs We already provided GPU support but we expanded this functionality to be on-demand. That means that […]
Blog Functionality Technology UbiOps
October 28, 2021 / January 5, 2024 by [email protected]
If you are active in Machine Learning and know a thing or two about cloud services and technologies, you probably came across Kubernetes somewhere. In this post, I will explain the core concepts of Kubernetes and how this can be helpful for running machine learning (ML) workloads. Table of contents Microservice applications What is Kubernetes […]
September 10, 2020 / January 5, 2024 by [email protected]
Image recognition is a popular and important field within machine learning. Many models exist to for example classify objects within images. In this tutorial, we will take a look at one of these image recognition models called YOLOv4 (You only look once) and install it locally. Take a look at the paper and the website from the author. […]
February 26, 2020 / July 26, 2023 by support
Regarding the COVID-19 situation in the Netherlands Since the health and wellbeing of our attendees is our main priority, we sadly announce that our event has been canceled for March 19th, 2020. We need to postpone our first event about Machine Learning in Travel. Meanwhile, keep your eyes on our Meetup group and stay up […]