This model (deployment) is used to clean an excel or .csv file by removing all rows with empty cells automatically. The output data is equal to your input file but it contains only fully populated rows.
This is an example of how manual excel tasks can be automated and how it can save you, or your customer, time.
The Analyticshub provides many more time savings models via UbiOps. Please get in touch for your specific use case.Requirements for input data:
It must either be a .xlsx or .csv file. The first row (row 1) must contain a column name for the values in the column(s).
Output data:
The deployment returns the same datatype as what was originally uploaded, but with all rows that contained empty cells removed.Created: 9-12-2021
Last modified: 10-12-2021
Publisher: Analyticshub
This model removes all rows that contain empty cells (.xlsx and .csv files only),This model is intended for demonstration and testing purposes only. UbiOps is not liable for any damages arising from the use or inability to use any of the models and applications listed on the UbiOps Community Model pages. Even though UbiOps and our partners carefully created and optimized these models, it is always advised to benchmark and check the respective functionality before applying it in any production setting.