Harness the power of LLMs in your organization. Generate real business value.
Run your tailored LLM solution in weeks.
Together with our trusted partners we offer a complete LLM service. Start quickly by getting insight into the real business value of LLMs in your organization with our feasibility scan. Get an operational LLM solution up and running in weeks, on any infrastructure including updates, support and operational uptime. See how current use cases benefited from deep expertise across diverse industries like healthcare, legal and financial services.

Example workflow

What you will get
10x faster time to market of your GenAI model
Enabling faster creation of business value and lets businesess respond faster to market opportunities. Current customers have seen their teams gain multiple months up to a year in shipping their GenAI products.
80% lower development and engineering costs
Lean and agile approach, enabling rapid deployment to production. Shortening the time-to-market and reducing the number of developers needed lowers investment costs and accelerates returns.
LLM projects we run with our partners

Complex development made easy
UbiOps in the AI life cycle