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Deploy Gemma 2B with streaming on UbiOps

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This tutorial will help you create a cloud-based inference API endpoint for the gemma-2-2b-it model, using UbiOps. The generated text can be streamed back to an end-user. Gemma-2-2b-it is a lightweight LLM developed by Google, that can run on a CPU-type instance (does not require a GPU). It was developed by Google, and is available through Huggingface.

Note that Gemma is a gated model, so you will need to have a valid Huggingface token with sufficient permissions if you want to download the gemma-2-2b-it from Huggingface. You can apply for one in the repository of the respective model. The model can also be uploaded to your UbiOps bucket, and downloaded from there.

In this tutorial we will walk you through.

  1. Connecting with the UbiOps API client
  2. Creating a deployment for the Gemma 2 2B model
  3. Create a request and stream the response

1. Connecting with the UbiOps API client

To use the UbiOps API from our notebook, we need to install the UbiOps Python client library first

%pip install -qU ubiops

To set up a connection with the UbiOps platform API we need the name of your UbiOps project and an API token with project-editor permissions. See our documentation on how to create a token.

Once you have your project name and API token, paste them below in the following cell before running.

import ubiops
from datetime import datetime

DEPLOYMENT_NAME = f"gemma-2-{}"

# Define our tokens
API_TOKEN = "<API TOKEN>"  # Make sure this is in the format "Token token-code"
PROJECT_NAME = "<PROJECT_NAME>"  # Fill in your project name here
HF_TOKEN = "<HF_TOKEN>"  # Format: "hf_xyz"

# Initialize client library
configuration = ubiops.Configuration(host="")
configuration.api_key["Authorization"] = API_TOKEN

# Establish a connection
client = ubiops.ApiClient(configuration)
api = ubiops.CoreApi(client)

2. Creating a deployment for Gemma 2 2B

We will now set up our deployment that runs the Gemma-2-2b-it model with streaming capabilities. First we create our deployment package - a directory in which our deployment files are added.

The deployment code is added to a file, which has a Deployment class and two methods: - __init__ will run when the deployment starts up and can be used to load models, data, artifacts and other requirements for inference. - request() will run every time a call is made to the model REST API endpoint and includes all the logic for processing data.

Additionally, we will add the dependencies that our code requires to a deployment package a requirements.txt.

deployment_package_dir = "deployment_package"

!mkdir {deployment_package_dir}

And add the to the directory

%%writefile {deployment_package_dir}/
import os
from huggingface_hub import login
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM, TextIteratorStreamer
from threading import Thread

class Deployment:

    def __init__(self, base_directory, context):

        # Log in to Hugging Face
        token = os.environ["HF_TOKEN"]

        # Download Gemma from Hugging Face
        model_id = os.environ.get("MODEL_ID", "google/gemma-2-2b-it")
        self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_id)
        self.model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_id)

        # You can change the system prompt by adding an environment variable to your deployment (version)
        self.system_prompt = os.environ.get(
            "You are a friendly chatbot who always responds in the style of a pirate",

    def request(self, data, context):

        user_prompt = data
        streaming_callback = context["streaming_update"]

        # Prepare the chat prompt with the system message and user input
        chat = [{"role": "user", "content": f"{self.system_prompt} \n {user_prompt}"}]
        print("Applied chat: \n", chat)

        prompt = self.tokenizer.apply_chat_template(
            chat, tokenize=False, add_generation_prompt=True
        inputs = self.tokenizer(
            prompt, add_special_tokens=False, return_tensors="pt"

        streamer = TextIteratorStreamer(self.tokenizer, skip_prompt=True)

        generation_kwargs = dict(inputs, streamer=streamer, max_new_tokens=256)

        # The TextIteratorStreamer requires a thread which we start here
        thread = Thread(target=self.model.generate, kwargs=generation_kwargs)

        generated_text = ""
        for new_text in streamer:
            # We use the streaming_callback from UbiOps to send partial updates
            generated_text += new_text

        return generated_text

Create a dependency file

%%writefile {deployment_package_dir}/requirements.txt

Create the deploymenta & deployment version

Create the deployment

# Create the deployment
deployment_template = ubiops.DeploymentCreate(
    input_fields=[{"name": "prompt", "data_type": "string"}],

api.deployments_create(project_name=PROJECT_NAME, data=deployment_template)

And let us add our Huggingface token as a secret environment variable to our deployment, so that all of our deployment versions are authenticated to download the relevant model files from Huggingface.

api_response = api.deployment_environment_variables_create(
    data=ubiops.EnvironmentVariableCreate(name="HF_TOKEN", value=HF_TOKEN, secret=True),

And a deployment version

# Create the version
version_template = ubiops.DeploymentVersionCreate(
    instance_type_group_name="12288 MB + 3 vCPU",
    maximum_idle_time=600,  # = 10 minutes

    project_name=PROJECT_NAME, deployment_name=DEPLOYMENT_NAME, data=version_template
# And now we zip our code (deployment package) and push it to the version

import shutil

deployment_code_archive = shutil.make_archive(
    deployment_package_dir, "zip", deployment_package_dir

upload_response = api.revisions_file_upload(

Check if the deployment is finished building. Your first iteration will take around 10 minutes because a new environment is built. Consecutive deployment code iterations will take only a couple of seconds because the environment was already built.


You can check out the new deployment and the building process in the UbiOps WebApp in the meantime.

If you are not happy with the default SYSTEM_PROMPT that we provided, you can add your own system prompt here

CUSTOM_SYSTEM_PROMPT = "You are a friendly chatbot who always responds in the style of a man with a mission"

api_response = api.deployment_version_environment_variables_create(
        name="SYSTEM_PROMPT", value=CUSTOM_SYSTEM_PROMPT, secret=False

3. Create a request and stream the response

We can now send our first prompt to our Gemma LLM! On the first spin-up, the model will need to be downloaded from Huggingface, resulting in a cold-start time of a couple of minutes for your deployment instance. Subsequent requests should be handled faster. You can check the UbiOps User Interface to see the status and logs of your deployment instance while it is spinning up. Once your instance is ready, tokens are streamed as they are generated by the Gemma model. Do note that this model has a rather long inference time in general.

data = {
    "prompt": "I accidentally brought the Black Plague on my ship. How do I blame the crew?"

# Create a streaming deployment request

for item in ubiops.utils.stream_deployment_request(
    print(item, end="")

So that's it! You now have your own on-demand, scalable Gemma 2 2B Instruct model running in the cloud, with a REST API that you can reach from anywhere!