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ubiops environments

Command: ubiops environments

Alias: ubiops envs

ubiops environments list

Command: ubiops environments list


List all your environments in your project.

The <labels> option can be used to filter on specific labels.

Arguments: -


  • -lb/--labels
    Labels defined as key/value pairs
    This option can be provided multiple times in a single command

  • -env-type/--environment_type
    Environment type. It can be either base or custom.

  • -fmt/--format
    The output format

ubiops environments get

Command: ubiops environments get


Get the environment details.

If you specify the <output_path> option, this location will be used to store the environment settings in a yaml file. You can either specify the <output_path> as file or directory. If the specified <output_path> is a directory, the settings will be stored in environment.yaml.

Example of yaml content:

environment_name: custom-environment
environment_display_name: Custom environment for Python 3.11
environment_description: Environment created via command line.
    my-key-1: my-label-1
    my-key-2: my-label-2
base_environment: python3-11


  • [required] environment_name


  • -o/--output_path
    Path to file or directory to store environment yaml file

  • -q/--quiet
    Suppress informational messages

  • -fmt/--format
    The output format

ubiops environments create

Command: ubiops environments create


Create an environment.

It is possible to define the parameters using a yaml file. For example:

environment_name: my-environment-name
environment_display_name: Custom environment for Python 3.11
environment_description: Environment created via command line.
    my-key-1: my-label-1
    my-key-2: my-label-2
base_environment: python3-11

Those parameters can also be provided as command options. If both a <yaml_file> is set and options are given, the options defined by <yaml_file> will be overwritten by the specified command options. The environment name can either be passed as command argument or specified inside the yaml file using <environment_name>.


  • environment_name


  • -base-env/--base_environment
    Base environment to use for the environment

  • --environment_display_name
    Human readable name for the environment

  • -desc/--environment_description
    The environment description

  • -lb/--labels
    Labels defined as key/value pairs
    This option can be provided multiple times in a single command

  • -f/--yaml_file
    Path to a yaml file

  • -fmt/--format
    The output format

ubiops environments update

Command: ubiops environments update


Update an environment.

It is possible to define the parameters using a yaml file or passing the options as command options. For example:

environment_name: my-environment-name
environment_display_name: Custom environment for Python 3.9
environment_description: Environment created via command line.
    my-key-1: my-label-1
    my-key-2: my-label-2

If both a <yaml_file> is set and options are given, the options defined by <yaml_file> will be overwritten by the specified command options.


  • [required] environment_name


  • -n/--new_name
    The new environment name

  • --environment_display_name
    Human readable name for the environment

  • -desc/--environment_description
    The environment description

  • -lb/--labels
    Labels defined as key/value pairs
    This option can be provided multiple times in a single command

  • -f/--yaml_file
    Path to a yaml file

  • -q/--quiet
    Suppress informational messages

ubiops environments delete

Command: ubiops environments delete


Delete an environment.


  • [required] environment_name


  • -y/--assume_yes
    Assume yes instead of asking for confirmation

  • -q/--quiet
    Suppress informational messages

ubiops environments wait

Command: ubiops environments wait


Wait for an environment to be ready.


  • [required] environment_name


  • -t/--timeout
    Timeout in seconds for the operation

  • --stream_logs
    Stream logs while waiting

  • -q/--quiet
    Suppress informational messages

ubiops environments package

Command: ubiops environments package


Package code to archive file which is ready to be deployed.

Please, specify the code <directory> that should be deployed. The files in this directory will be zipped. Subdirectories and files that shouldn't be contained in the archive can be specified in an ignore file, which is by default '.ubiops-ignore'. The structure of this file is assumed to be equal to the well-known .gitignore file.

Use the <output_path> option to specify the output location of the archive file. If not specified, the current directory will be used. If the <output_path> is a directory, the archive will be saved as [environment_name]_[].zip. Use the <assume_yes> option to overwrite without confirmation if file specified in <output_path> already exists.

Arguments: -


  • -e/--environment_name
    The environment name used in the archive filename

  • [required] -dir/--directory
    Path to a directory that contains the environment files

  • -o/--output_path
    Path to file or directory to store the environment package archive file

  • -i/--ignore_file
    File name of ubiops-ignore file located in the root of the specified directory [default = .ubiops-ignore]

  • -y/--assume_yes
    Assume yes instead of asking for confirmation

  • -q/--quiet
    Suppress informational messages

ubiops environments deploy

Command: ubiops environments deploy


Deploy an environment.

Please, either specify an <archive_file> or a code <directory> that should be deployed. If a directory is used, the files in the directory will be zipped and uploaded. Subdirectories and files that shouldn't be contained in the archive can be specified in an ignore file, which is by default '.ubiops-ignore'. The structure of this file is assumed to be equal to the well-known '.gitignore' file.

If you want to store a local copy of the uploaded archive file, please use the <output_path> option. The <output_path> option will be used as output location of the file. If the <output_path> is a directory, the archive will be saved as [environment_name]_[].zip. Use the <assume_yes> option to overwrite without confirmation if file specified in <output_path> already exists.

It's not possible to update the base environment of an existing environment.

It is possible to define the parameters using a yaml file. For example:

environment_name: my-environment-name
environment_display_name: Custom environment for Python 3.11
environment_description: Environment created via command line.
    my-key-1: my-label-1
    my-key-2: my-label-2
base_environment: python3-11

Those parameters can also be provided as command options. If both a <yaml_file> is set and options are given, the options defined by <yaml_file> will be overwritten by the specified command options. The environment name can either be passed as command argument or specified inside the yaml file using <environment_name>.


  • environment_name


  • -dir/--directory
    Path to a directory that contains the environment files

  • -a/--archive_path
    Path to environment package archive file

  • -i/--ignore_file
    File name of ubiops-ignore file located in the root of the specified directory [default = .ubiops-ignore]

  • -o/--output_path
    Path to file or directory to store the environment package archive file

  • -f/--yaml_file
    Path to a yaml file

  • -base-env/--base_environment
    Base environment to use for the environment

  • --environment_display_name
    Human readable name for the environment

  • -desc/--environment_description
    The environment description

  • -lb/--labels
    Labels defined as key/value pairs
    This option can be provided multiple times in a single command

  • --overwrite
    Whether you want to overwrite if exists

  • -y/--assume_yes
    Assume yes instead of asking for confirmation

  • -pb/--progress_bar
    Whether the show a progress bar while uploading

  • -q/--quiet
    Suppress informational messages