ubiops deployments¶
Command: ubiops deployments
Alias: ubiops dpl
ubiops deployments list¶
Command: ubiops deployments list
List all your deployments in your project.
The <labels>
option can be used to filter on specific labels.
Arguments: -
Labels defined as key/value pairs
This option can be provided multiple times in a single command -
The output format
ubiops deployments get¶
Command: ubiops deployments get
Get the deployment settings, like, input_type and output_type.
If you specify the <output_path>
option, this location will be used to store the deployment settings in a yaml file. You can either specify the <output_path>
as file or directory. If the specified <output_path>
is a directory, the settings will be stored in deployment.yaml
- [required]
Path to file or directory to store deployment yaml file -
Suppress informational messages -
The output format
ubiops deployments create¶
Command: ubiops deployments create
Create a new deployment.
Define the deployment parameters using a yaml file. For example:
deployment_name: my-deployment-name
deployment_description: Deployment created via command line.
my-key-1: my-label-1
my-key-2: my-label-2
input_type: structured
- name: param1
data_type: int
- name: param2
data_type: string
output_type: plain
The deployment name can either be passed as argument or specified inside the yaml file. If it is both passed as argument and specified inside the yaml file, the value passed as argument is used.
Possible input/output types: [structured, plain]. Possible data_types: [int, string, double, bool, dict, file, array_string, array_int, array_double, array_file].
Path to a yaml file that contains at least the following fields: [input_type, output_type] -
The output format
ubiops deployments update¶
Command: ubiops deployments update
Update a deployment.
If you only want to update the name of the deployment or the default deployment version, use the options <new_name>
and <default_version>
. If you want to update the deployment input/output fields, description or labels, please use a yaml file to define the new deployment.
For example:
deployment_description: Deployment created via command line.
my-key-1: my-label-1
my-key-2: my-label-2
- name: param1
data_type: int
- name: param2
data_type: string
- name: param1
data_type: int
- name: param2
data_type: string
- [required]
The new deployment name -
The name of the version that should become the default -
Path to a yaml file containing deployment details -
Suppress informational messages
ubiops deployments delete¶
Command: ubiops deployments delete
Delete a deployment.
- [required]
Assume yes instead of asking for confirmation -
Suppress informational messages
ubiops deployments package¶
Command: ubiops deployments package
Package code to archive file which is ready to be deployed.
Please, specify the code <directory>
that should be deployed. The files in this directory will be zipped. Subdirectories and files that shouldn't be contained in the archive can be specified in an ignore file, which is by default '.ubiops-ignore'. The structure of this file is assumed to be equal to the well-known .gitignore file.
Use the <output_path>
option to specify the output location of the archive file. If not specified, the current directory will be used. If the <output_path>
is a directory, the archive will be saved as [deployment_name]_[deployment_version]_[].zip
. Use the <assume_yes>
option to overwrite without confirmation if file specified in <output_path>
already exists.
Arguments: -
The deployment name used in the archive filename -
The version name used in the archive filename -
Path to a directory that contains at least a '' -
Path to file or directory to store the deployment package archive file -
File name of ubiops-ignore file located in the root of the specified directory [default = .ubiops-ignore] -
Assume yes instead of asking for confirmation -
Suppress informational messages
ubiops deployments upload¶
Command: ubiops deployments upload
Upload a deployment package archive file to a version of a deployment.
Please, specify the deployment package <archive_path>
that should be uploaded. Use the <overwrite>
option to overwrite the deployment package on UbiOps if one already exists for this version.
- [required]
The version name -
Path to deployment version archive file -
Whether you want to overwrite if exists -
Whether the show a progress bar while uploading -
Suppress informational messages
ubiops deployments download¶
Command: ubiops deployments download
Get the version of a deployment.
The <output_path>
option will be used as output location of the archive file. If not specified, the current directory will be used. If the <output_path>
is a directory, the archive will be saved in [deployment_name]_[deployment_version]_[].zip
- [required]
The version name -
Path to file or directory to store the deployment package archive file -
Suppress informational messages
ubiops deployments deploy¶
Command: ubiops deployments deploy
Deploy a new version of a deployment.
Please, specify the code <directory>
that should be deployed. The files in this directory will be zipped and uploaded. Subdirectories and files that shouldn't be contained in the archive file can be specified in an ignore file, which is by default '.ubiops-ignore'. The structure of this file is assumed to be equal to the well-known '.gitignore' file.
If you want to store a local copy of the uploaded archive file, please use the <output_path>
option. The <output_path>
option will be used as output location of the archive file. If the <output_path>
is a directory, the archive will be saved as [deployment_name]_[deployment_version]_[].zip
. Use the <assume_yes>
option to overwrite without confirmation if file specified in <output_path>
already exists.
It is possible to define the parameters using a yaml file. For example:
deployment_name: my-deployment-name
version_name: my-deployment-version
version_description: Version created via command line.
my-key-1: my-label-1
my-key-2: my-label-2
environment: python3-8
instance_type_group_name: 2048 MB + 0.5 vCPU
scaling_strategy: default
minimum_instances: 0
maximum_instances: 1
instance_processes: 1
maximum_idle_time: 300
request_retention_mode: none
request_retention_time: 604800
maximum_queue_size_express: 100
maximum_queue_size_batch: 100000
static_ip: false
- public_port: 2222
deployment_port: 2222
protocol: tcp
Those parameters can also be provided as command options. If both a <yaml_file>
is set and options are given, the options defined by <yaml_file>
will be overwritten by the specified command options. The deployment name can either be passed as command argument or specified inside the yaml file using <deployment_name>
The ports
to open up for the deployment version can be provided as list of fields public_port
, deployment_port
and protocol
inside the yaml file, or one port can be given via command options --public_port
, --deployment_port
and --port_protocol
. Only one of the options (yaml or command options) can be used, not both. Use a yaml file with empty ports
list and provide --overwrite
command option to remove already existing opened ports.
The version name -
Path to a directory that contains at least a '' -
Name of deployment file which contains class Deployment. Must be located in the root of the deployment package directory -
File name of ubiops-ignore file located in the root of the specified directory [default = .ubiops-ignore] -
Path to file or directory to store the deployment package archive file -
Path to a yaml file that contains version options -
Environment for the version -
[DEPRECATED] Reserved instance type for the version -
ID of the reserved instance type group for the version -
Name of the reserved instance type group for the version -
Scaling strategy to use for scaling the instances for the version -
Minimum number of instances -
Maximum number of instances -
Number of instance processes (usually 1) -
Maximum idle time before shutting down instance (seconds) -
Mode of request retention for requests to the version -
Number of seconds to store requests to the version -
Maximum number of queued express requests to the version -
Maximum number of queued batch requests to the version -
Whether the deployment version should get a static IP -
Public port to open up to -
Deployment port to open up -
Protocol to use for port forwarding -
Labels defined as key/value pairs
This option can be provided multiple times in a single command -
The version description -
Whether you want to overwrite if exists -
Assume yes instead of asking for confirmation -
Whether the show a progress bar while uploading -
Suppress informational messages
ubiops deployments requests¶
Command: ubiops deployments requests
ubiops deployments requests create¶
Command: ubiops deployments requests create
Create a deployment request and retrieve request IDs to collect the results later. Use the option timeout
to specify the timeout of the request. The minimum value is 10 seconds. The maximum value is 3600 (1 hour) for direct (synchronous) requests and 345600 (96 hours) for batch (asynchronous) requests. The default value is 300 (5 minutes) for direct requests and 14400 (4 hours) for batch requests.
Use the version option to make a request to a specific deployment version: ubiops deployments requests create <my-deployment> -v <my-version> --data <input>
If not specified, a request is made to the default version: ubiops deployments requests create <my-deployment> --data <input>
Use --batch
to make an asynchronous batch request: ubiops deployments requests create <my-deployment> --batch --data <input>
Multiple data inputs can be specified at ones and send as batch by using the '--data' options multiple times: ubiops deployments requests create <my-deployment> --batch --data <input-1> --data <input-2> --data <input-3>
For structured input, specify data input as JSON formatted string. For example: ubiops deployments requests create <my-deployment> --data "{\"param1\": 1, \"param2\": \"two\"}"
- [required]
The version name -
Whether you want to perform the request as batch request (async) -
The input data of the request
This option can be provided multiple times in a single command -
Path to json file containing the input data of the request -
Timeout in seconds -
The output format
ubiops deployments requests get¶
Command: ubiops deployments requests get
Get one or more stored deployment requests. Deployment requests are only stored for deployment versions with request_retention_mode
'full' or 'metadata'.
Use the version option to get a request for a specific deployment version. If not specified, the request is retrieved for the default version.
Multiple request ids can be specified at ones by using the '-id' options multiple times: ubiops deployments requests get <my-deployment> -v <my-version> -id <id-1> -id <id-2> -id <id-3>
- [required]
The version name -
The ID of the request
This option can be provided multiple times in a single command -
The output format
ubiops deployments requests list¶
Command: ubiops deployments requests list
List stored deployment requests. Deployment requests are only stored for deployment versions with request_retention_mode
'full' or 'metadata'.
Use the version option to list the requests for a specific deployment version. If not specified, the requests are listed for the default version.
- [required]
The version name -
The starting point: if offset equals 2, then the first 2 records will be omitted -
Limit of the number of requests. The maximum value is 50. -
Status of the request -
Start date of the interval for which the requests are retrieved, looking at the creation date of the request. Formatted like '2020-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z'. -
End date of the interval for which the requests are retrieved, looking at the creation date of the request. Formatted like '2020-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z'. -
A string to search inside request ids. It will filter all request ids that contain this string. -
The output format