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ubiops buckets

Command: ubiops buckets

ubiops buckets list

Command: ubiops buckets list


List buckets in project.

Arguments: -


  • -lb/--labels
    Labels defined as key/value pairs
    This option can be provided multiple times in a single command

  • -fmt/--format
    The output format

ubiops buckets get

Command: ubiops buckets get


Retrieve details of a bucket in a project.

If you specify the <output_path> option, this location will be used to store the bucket settings in a yaml file. You can either specify the <output_path> as file or directory. If the specified <output_path> is a directory, the settings will be stored in bucket.yaml.

Bucket credentials are never returned by the UbiOps API.

Example of yaml content:

bucket_name: my-bucket
provider: amazon_s3
  region: eu-central-1
  bucket: my-bucket
bucket_description: Bucket created via command line.
  my-key-1: my-label-1
  my-key-2: my-label-2
ttl: 3600


  • [required] bucket_name


  • -o/--output_path
    Path to file or directory to store bucket yaml file

  • -q/--quiet
    Suppress informational messages

  • -fmt/--format
    The output format

ubiops buckets create

Command: ubiops buckets create


Create a new bucket.

Define the bucket parameters using a yaml file. For example:

bucket_name: my-bucket
bucket_description: Bucket created via command line.
  my-key-1: my-label-1
  my-key-2: my-label-2
provider: amazon_s3
  access_key: my-access-key
  secret_key: my-secret-key
  region: eu-central-1
  bucket: my-bucket
ttl: 3600

The bucket name can either be passed as argument or specified inside the yaml file. If it is both passed as argument and specified inside the yaml file, the value passed as argument is used.

Possible providers: [ubiops, google_cloud_storage, amazon_s3, azure_blob_storage].


  • bucket_name


  • -p/--provider
    Provider of the bucket

  • --credentials
    A JSON string for credentials to connect to the bucket

  • --configuration
    A JSON string for additional configuration details for the bucket

  • -desc/--bucket_description
    The bucket description

  • -lb/--labels
    Labels defined as key/value pairs
    This option can be provided multiple times in a single command

  • -ttl/--time_to_live
    The time to live of the file in seconds (default = None)

  • -f/--yaml_file
    Path to a yaml file

  • -fmt/--format
    The output format

ubiops buckets update

Command: ubiops buckets update


Update a bucket.

It is possible to define the parameters using a yaml file. Note that the bucket_name and provider cannot be changed. For example:

bucket_description: Bucket created via command line.
  my-key-1: my-label-1
  my-key-2: my-label-2
ttl: 3600


  • bucket_name


  • -p/--provider
    Provider of the bucket

  • -desc/--bucket_description
    The bucket description

  • -lb/--labels
    Labels defined as key/value pairs
    This option can be provided multiple times in a single command

  • -ttl/--time_to_live
    The time to live of the file in seconds (default = None)

  • -f/--yaml_file
    Path to a yaml file

  • -fmt/--format
    The output format

  • -q/--quiet
    Suppress informational messages

ubiops buckets delete

Command: ubiops buckets delete


Delete a bucket.


  • [required] bucket_name


  • -y/--assume_yes
    Assume yes instead of asking for confirmation

  • -q/--quiet
    Suppress informational messages