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UI deployment Starter Tutorial

This starter tutorial is using the UbiOps UI and shows you how to deploy a model on UbiOps that multiplies a number by 2. When the model is finsihed deploying you can make requests to it. You can follow along with the following video or follow all the steps below.


Running the example in UbiOps

To deploy this example model to your own UbiOps environment you can log in to the WebApp and create a new deployment in the deployment tab.

You will be prompted to fill in certain parameters, like the name of the deployment, a description (this is optional) and you are required to define the input and output. The input and output field of the deployment defines what data the deployment expects when making a request i.e., run the model.

For more information about deployments in general, please visit our Documentation page. For more information about input and output, see our Deployment Input & Output page.

The parameters for this deployment are given in the table below.

Create deployment

You can use the following in step 1:

Deployment configuration step 1
Name multiply
Description Multiplies input by 2
Input fields: name = number, datatype = integer
Output fields: name = number_multiplied, datatype = integer

Create deployment

It is possible to create 1 or more versions of a deployment. Each version has the same input and output, but the deployed code package, base environment , memory allocation and other settings can be different. For more information about deployment versions, see our Deployment versions page.

You can use the following in step 2:

Deployment configuration step 2
Version name v1
Description leave blank
Environment python 3-11
Upload code deployment zip do not unzip!
Instance type (group) Leave on default settings

The advanced parameters and labels can be left as they are. They are optional.

After uploading the code and with that creating the deployment version UbiOps will start deploying. You can check the building process from the logs, building a deployment can take several minutes. Once you're deployment version is available you can make requests to it. You can use any integer as input.


It is also possible to make a request without using the UI, but by using the API endpoint instead:{project_name}/deployments/{deployment_name}/requests
If you want to know more about this, or requests in general please take a look at the Making requests page.

Next steps

If you finished this starter tutorial you can take a look at our ready deployments on our Tutorials page. You can find more ready to go deployments which you can deploy using the UI. You can also follow the client library starter tutorial or the cli starter tutorial to find out how to build a deployment with code.