UI Starter Tutorials¶
Sveral starter tutorials are available that show to create functional deployments, pipelines, training experiments via the UbiOps Webapp. They showcase three relevant workflows for someone who is just getting started with using UbiOps.
Please pick one of the UI starter tutorials below:¶
Option 1: UI Deployment Starter Tutorial¶
This tutorial demonstrates how to deploy a simple model on UbiOps via the UbiOps UI that multiplies a given number by 2. After logging into your UbiOps account, you create a deployment and configure the input/output fields. Then you configure a deployment version, scaling settings, and upload your code. Once the deployment is built, you can send requests using any number as input.
Option 2: UI Pipeline Starter Tutorial¶
This tutorial demonstrates how to deploy a pipeline on UbiOps that multiplies a number by 2 twice, using two deployments that are connected to each other in series. In a UbiOps pipeline, the output of one deployment becomes the input for the next. After creating and configuring two deployments, you connect them in a pipeline.
Option 3: UI Training Starter Tutorial¶
This tutorial shows how to train an XGBoost model on UbiOps using the UbiOps UI. After training, the model is stored in a default storage bucket. The process starts by enabling training in UbiOps, which creates a base deployment used for all training runs. Then, you create an experiment to define the environment and parameters for the training, such as compute settings and output storage. Once the experiment is set up, you initiate training runs by specifying the training code, data, and training parameters.