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UbiOps version 2.7.0

Client library version

Python client library version for this release: 3.2.0
CLI version for this release: 2.2.0

On the 1st of April 2021 we have released new functionality and made improvements to our UbiOps SaaS. Here is an overview of all new functionality and changes in UbiOps:

Default versions

The more versions a deployment has, the harder it is to track which version is the production or best version to make a request to or to be used in a pipeline.

It is now possible to mark a version of a deployment as the default version. When making a request to a deployment without specifying a version, the request is automatically routed to the default version.

It also allows you to swap the default version of a deployment on the fly, replacing one version with another while you keep using the same endpoint in your application.

This can be useful to first test and then replace a deployment with another version in a production application, avoiding any downtime. Or for changing the deployment version used in a pipeline without editing the pipeline itself.

Pipeline versions

Deployments have supported versioning for a while, and pipelines now do too. And configuring a default version is available for pipelines too, enabling you to swap pipeline versions on the same API endpoint without downtime.

Installing OS-level packages & dependencies for deployments using ubiops.yaml

It is now possible to install operating system level packages in deployments, allowing you to create more complicated deployments that depend on low level libraries, drivers and other software that can not be installed using Python packages. You can do this by including a ubiops.yaml file in your deployment package.

For more information about ubiops.yaml, see Installing OS level packages.

Support for Cross-Origin requests

When integrating UbiOps in your website or browser based applications, the browser will be making Cross-Origin requests: the domain of the UbiOps API will be different from the domain of the application. Browsers block these requests by default for security reasons.

UbiOps is now able to return CORS headers in responses in order to solve this problem. By whitelisting origins where requests are allowed to come from on your service users, these requests can now be securely handled by browsers.

For more information about Cross-Origin requests in UbiOps, see Cross-Origin Requests.

Blobs can now be overwritten

Uploaded blobs can now be replaced with a new blob under the same blob ID. This can be useful if you want to update a blob when using the ID of that blob in a deployment, for example for updating a trained model.

Duplicate versions

In addition to duplicating a deployment, it is now possible to duplicate a deployment version. This will copy the configuration of the version and its uploaded files to a new version.

Updated CLI and Client Libraries

The UbiOps Command Line Interface and Client Libraries have been updated to support the new functionality and the changes that were made.

Please update your client libraries to continue using the latest features.