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UbiOps version 2.26.0

Client library version

Python client library version for this release: 3.17.0
CLI version for this release: 2.17.0

On the 26th of October 2023 we have released new functionality and made improvements to our UbiOps SaaS product. An overview of the changes is given below.

Webhooks are now available

You can now configure webhooks in your UbiOps project to help you with responding to events in your project. A webhook is tied to a specific object in UbiOps (deployment, pipeline, experiment) and allows you to listen to the following four events:

  • Request started: this event is triggered when a request to the configured object has changed to status processing.
  • Request finished: this event is triggered when a request has finished, regardless of whether it finished in a failed or successful state.
  • Request completed: this event is triggered when a request has been completed successfully.
  • Request failed: this event is triggered when a request has failed.

For more information about webhooks and how they work in UbiOps, see the webhooks page.

New project dashboard

We redesigned our project dashboard to make it more useful for you! We added the daily compute graph so you will be able to quickly see if you might have left some deployments running with a too high number of minimum instances. In that scenario the compute graph will start to differ in shape from the daily requests graph.

Updated button widget for the request interface

We updated the button widget for the request interface to now include which bucket an uploaded file should be written to. This way you can make sure that all files uploaded through the request interface end up in a specific bucket, rather than the default.

Project settings section in the WebApp

We added a project settings section to the UbiOps WebApp to move some admin tasks to a central place. You can find it under Project Admin > Project Settings. This section also provides as overview of the instance types available in your project, and the option to request new ones (e.g. new GPU types).

Simplification of request statusses

Prior to this release, every request had a status field and a success field. If a request would fail it would have status completed and success false. We felt that this was a bit unclear and therefore we deprecated the success field and now only use the status field. If a request failed it will now have status failed. The old distinction will continue to work in old versions of the client library.


  • We added support for IPv6 in UbiOps. Overall this change should not be noticeable to you, except in misconfigured systems.
  • We included some general performance improvements in both the WebApp and our pipeline service.
  • We redesigned the import/export flow in the UI to make it easier to work with.
  • Updated version of our Terms and Conditions: General Terms and Conditions - UbiOps