UbiOps version 2.14.0¶
Client library version
Python client library version for this release: 3.7.0
CLI version for this release: 2.7.0
On the 27th of January 2022 we have released new functionality and made improvements to our UbiOps SaaS product. An overview of the new functionality and changes:
Configure your own request page¶
We had recently released the simple request interface for your deployments, and it is now possible to configure how the interface looks using widgets. For each input field you can select a widget to be shown in the interface, like a slider or a toggle. You can configure your request page by going to deployments > your deployment > use deployment tab in the WebApp and clicking the configure request page button.
Use deployment tab¶
To help you with what to do after you have made a deployment, we have added a use deployment tab on the deployment page in the WebApp. Here you can find some code snippets fit for your deployment to make a request via code, amongst other handy bits of information.
Deployment package validation¶
When you make a deployment via the WebApp and you upload your code, the WebApp will now perform a quick validation to check if your deployment package is structured correctly. If something is wrong, the WebApp will indicate it to help you in debugging.
Project compute limits¶
To prevent one project from draining the entire compute budget of an organization, you can now set a compute limit on a project. See Project compute limits for details.
Request origins¶
When a request is made, you can now see what the origin of that request was. In other words, if the request was created by a request schedule, or an API token, you will now be able to see that in the request details. This can help you in keeping track of where your requests originate from.
API token expiration date¶
You can now add an expiration date to your API token upon creation. By setting an expiration date you can avoid a token leak or token misuse.
Simplified permission system¶
We added the option to work with a simplified version of our permission system. The simplified permission system is fit for general use of UbiOps and is easier to grasp. However, if you need more granular permission control, you can turn on the advanced permission system in the project settings. You can find this option by clicking the edit icon on the projects page (Your organization > projects).
Rate limiting¶
HTTP requests to the UbiOps API are rate limited. We do this to prevent abuse of our platforms and avoid overloads caused by excessive usage or mistakes. In practice this means that each individual IP address can make a limited number of requests to the UbiOps API every minute. Rate limits can be increased upon request.
We also changed a few miscellaneous things under the hood to allow UbiOps to continue to grow.