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All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
builds_get GET /projects/{project_name}/deployments/{deployment_name}/versions/{version}/builds/{build_id} Get build
deployment_audit_events_list GET /projects/{project_name}/deployments/{deployment_name}/audit List audit events for a deployment
deployment_environment_variables_copy POST /projects/{project_name}/deployments/{deployment_name}/copy-environment-variables Copy deployment environment variable
deployment_environment_variables_create POST /projects/{project_name}/deployments/{deployment_name}/environment-variables Create deployment environment variable
deployment_environment_variables_delete DELETE /projects/{project_name}/deployments/{deployment_name}/environment-variables/{id} Delete deployment environment variable
deployment_environment_variables_get GET /projects/{project_name}/deployments/{deployment_name}/environment-variables/{id} Get deployment environment variable
deployment_environment_variables_list GET /projects/{project_name}/deployments/{deployment_name}/environment-variables List deployment environment variables
deployment_environment_variables_update PATCH /projects/{project_name}/deployments/{deployment_name}/environment-variables/{id} Update deployment environment variable
deployment_version_environment_variables_copy POST /projects/{project_name}/deployments/{deployment_name}/versions/{version}/copy-environment-variables Copy deployment version environment variable
deployment_version_environment_variables_create POST /projects/{project_name}/deployments/{deployment_name}/versions/{version}/environment-variables Create deployment version environment variable
deployment_version_environment_variables_delete DELETE /projects/{project_name}/deployments/{deployment_name}/versions/{version}/environment-variables/{id} Delete deployment version environment variable
deployment_version_environment_variables_get GET /projects/{project_name}/deployments/{deployment_name}/versions/{version}/environment-variables/{id} Get deployment version environment variable
deployment_version_environment_variables_list GET /projects/{project_name}/deployments/{deployment_name}/versions/{version}/environment-variables List deployment version environment variables
deployment_version_environment_variables_update PATCH /projects/{project_name}/deployments/{deployment_name}/versions/{version}/environment-variables/{id} Update deployment version environment variable
deployment_versions_create POST /projects/{project_name}/deployments/{deployment_name}/versions Create deployment versions
deployment_versions_delete DELETE /projects/{project_name}/deployments/{deployment_name}/versions/{version} Delete deployment version
deployment_versions_get GET /projects/{project_name}/deployments/{deployment_name}/versions/{version} Get deployment version
deployment_versions_list GET /projects/{project_name}/deployments/{deployment_name}/versions List deployment versions
deployment_versions_update PATCH /projects/{project_name}/deployments/{deployment_name}/versions/{version} Update deployment version
deployments_create POST /projects/{project_name}/deployments Create deployments
deployments_delete DELETE /projects/{project_name}/deployments/{deployment_name} Delete a deployment
deployments_get GET /projects/{project_name}/deployments/{deployment_name} Get details of a deployment
deployments_list GET /projects/{project_name}/deployments List deployments
deployments_update PATCH /projects/{project_name}/deployments/{deployment_name} Update a deployment
revisions_file_download GET /projects/{project_name}/deployments/{deployment_name}/versions/{version}/revisions/{revision_id}/download Download deployment file
revisions_file_upload POST /projects/{project_name}/deployments/{deployment_name}/versions/{version}/revisions Upload deployment file
revisions_get GET /projects/{project_name}/deployments/{deployment_name}/versions/{version}/revisions/{revision_id} Get revision
revisions_list GET /projects/{project_name}/deployments/{deployment_name}/versions/{version}/revisions List revisions
revisions_rebuild POST /projects/{project_name}/deployments/{deployment_name}/versions/{version}/revisions/{revision_id}/rebuild Rebuild revision
template_deployments_list GET /template-deployments List template deployments


BuildList builds_get(project_name, build_id, deployment_name, version)

Get build


Retrieve details of a single build of a version

Response Structure

A dictionary containing details of the build

  • id: Unique identifier for the build (UUID)
  • revision: UUID of the revision to which the build is linked
  • creation_date: The date when the build was created
  • status: Status of the build. Can be 'queued', 'building', 'validating', 'success' or 'failed'.
  • error_message: Error message which explains why the build has failed. It is empty if the build is successful.
  • trigger: Action that triggered the build
  • has_request_method: Whether the build has a 'request' method
  • has_requests_method: Whether the build has a 'requests' method

Response Examples

  "id": "49d857fd-39ca-48db-9547-0d5d1a91b62d",
  "revision": "7ead8a18-c1d2-4751-80d2-d8e0e0e2fed6",
  "creation_date": "2020-12-23T16:15:11.200+00:00",
  "status": "building",
  "error_message": "",
  "trigger": "Deployment file upload",
  "has_request_method": true,
  "has_requests_method": false


  • Use system environment variables

    import ubiops
    # Set environment variables
    # - UBIOPS_API_HOST: optional - default to ""
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi()
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    build_id = 'build_id_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    version = 'version_example' # str
    # Get build
    api_response = core_api.builds_get(project_name, build_id, deployment_name, version)
    # Close the connection

  • Use authorization parameters

    import ubiops
    configuration = ubiops.Configuration()
    # Configure API token authorization
    configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = "Token <YOUR_API_TOKEN>"
    # Defining host is optional and default to "" = ""
    api_client = ubiops.ApiClient(configuration)
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi(api_client)
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    build_id = 'build_id_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    version = 'version_example' # str
    # Get build
    api_response = core_api.builds_get(project_name, build_id, deployment_name, version)
    # Close the connection


Name Type Notes
project_name str
build_id str
deployment_name str
version str

Return type



API token

[Back to top]


list[AuditList] deployment_audit_events_list(project_name, deployment_name, action=action, limit=limit, offset=offset)

List audit events for a deployment


List all audit events for a deployment including versions

Optional Parameters

The following parameters should be given as query parameters:

  • action: Type of action. It can be one of: create, update, delete, info.
  • limit: The maximum number of audit events given back, default is 50
  • offset: The number which forms the starting point of the audit events given back. If offset equals 2, then the first 2 events will be omitted from the list.

Response Structure

A list of details of the audit events for a deployment

  • id: Unique identifier for the audit event (UUID)
  • date: The date when the action was performed
  • action: Type of action. It can be one of: create, update, delete, info. info action denotes that the action does not fall into create, update or delete categories.
  • user: Email of the user who performed the action
  • event: Description of the event
  • object_type: Type of the object on which the action was performed
  • object_name: Name of the object on which the action was performed. If the object is deleted at the time of listing audit events, this field is empty.

Response Examples

    "id": "25750859-e082-44df-bde9-cd85ca3f869c",
    "date": "2020-10-23T12:03:55.675+00:00",
    "action": "delete",
    "user": "[email protected]",
    "event": "Deleted environment variable ENV_VAR for deployment deployment-1",
    "object_type": "deployment",
    "object_name": "deployment-1"
    "id": "ce81814d-b00c-4094-a483-814afdb80875",
    "date": "2020-10-23T12:04:28.645+00:00",
    "action": "create",
    "user": "[email protected]",
    "event": "Created version v1 for deployment deployment-1",
    "object_type": "deployment",
    "object_name": "audit-deployment"


  • Use system environment variables

    import ubiops
    # Set environment variables
    # - UBIOPS_API_HOST: optional - default to ""
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi()
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    action = 'action_example' # str (optional)
    limit = 56 # int (optional)
    offset = 56 # int (optional)
    # List audit events for a deployment
    api_response = core_api.deployment_audit_events_list(project_name, deployment_name, action=action, limit=limit, offset=offset)
    # Close the connection

  • Use authorization parameters

    import ubiops
    configuration = ubiops.Configuration()
    # Configure API token authorization
    configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = "Token <YOUR_API_TOKEN>"
    # Defining host is optional and default to "" = ""
    api_client = ubiops.ApiClient(configuration)
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi(api_client)
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    action = 'action_example' # str (optional)
    limit = 56 # int (optional)
    offset = 56 # int (optional)
    # List audit events for a deployment
    api_response = core_api.deployment_audit_events_list(project_name, deployment_name, action=action, limit=limit, offset=offset)
    # Close the connection


Name Type Notes
project_name str
deployment_name str
action str [optional]
limit int [optional]
offset int [optional]

Return type



API token

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list[InheritedEnvironmentVariableList] deployment_environment_variables_copy(project_name, deployment_name, data)

Copy deployment environment variable


Copy existing environment variables from a source object to the deployment. Variables of the deployment with the same name as ones from the source object will be overwritten with the new value. Only the copied variables are returned.

Required Parameters

  • source_deployment: The name of the deployment from which the variables will be copied

Optional Parameters

  • source_version: The version of the deployment from which the variables will be copied

Request Examples

Copy the environment variables from a deployment

  "source_deployment": "example-deployment"

Copy the environment variables from a version

  "source_deployment": "example-deployment",
  "source_version": "v1"

Response Structure

A list of the copied variables described by the following fields:

  • id: Unique identifier for the environment variable
  • name: Variable name
  • value: Variable value (will be null for secret variables)
  • secret: Boolean that indicates if this variable contains sensitive information
  • inheritance_type: Type of parent object that this variable is inherited from. Will be null for copied environment variables.
  • inheritance_name: Name of the parent object that this variable is inherited from. Will be null for copied environment variables.

Response Examples

    "id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
    "name": "deployment_specific_variable",
    "value": "some_value",
    "secret": false,
    "inheritance_type": null,
    "inheritance_name": null
    "id": "4c15a27e-25ea-4be0-86c7-f4790389d061",
    "name": "database_schema",
    "value": "public",
    "secret": false,
    "inheritance_type": null,
    "inheritance_name": null
    "id": "06c2c8be-507e-4fae-981d-54e94f22dab0",
    "name": "database_password",
    "value": null,
    "secret": true,
    "inheritance_type": null,
    "inheritance_name": null


  • Use system environment variables

    import ubiops
    # Set environment variables
    # - UBIOPS_API_HOST: optional - default to ""
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi()
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    data = ubiops.EnvironmentVariableCopy() # EnvironmentVariableCopy
    # Copy deployment environment variable
    api_response = core_api.deployment_environment_variables_copy(project_name, deployment_name, data)
    # Close the connection

  • Use authorization parameters

    import ubiops
    configuration = ubiops.Configuration()
    # Configure API token authorization
    configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = "Token <YOUR_API_TOKEN>"
    # Defining host is optional and default to "" = ""
    api_client = ubiops.ApiClient(configuration)
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi(api_client)
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    data = ubiops.EnvironmentVariableCopy() # EnvironmentVariableCopy
    # Copy deployment environment variable
    api_response = core_api.deployment_environment_variables_copy(project_name, deployment_name, data)
    # Close the connection


Name Type Notes
project_name str
deployment_name str
data EnvironmentVariableCopy

Return type



API token

[Back to top]


EnvironmentVariableList deployment_environment_variables_create(project_name, deployment_name, data)

Create deployment environment variable


Create an environment variable for the deployment. This variable will be inherited by all versions of this deployment. Variables inherited from the project can be shadowed by creating a variable with the same name.

Required Parameters

  • name: The name of the variable. The variable will have this name when accessed from your deployment code. The variable name should contain only letters and underscores, and not start or end with an underscore.
  • value: The value of the variable as a string. It may be an empty string ("").
  • secret: If this variable contains sensitive information, set this to true to hide it from other users.

Request Examples

  "name": "deployment_variable_a",
  "value": "some_value",
  "secret": false

Response Structure

A list of variables described by the following fields:

  • id: Unique identifier for the environment variable
  • name: Variable name
  • value: Variable value (will be null for secret variables)
  • secret: Boolean that indicates if this variable contains sensitive information

Response Examples

"id": "7c28a2be-507e-4fae-981d-54e94f22dab0",
"name": "deployment_variable_a",
"value": "some_value",
"secret": false


  • Use system environment variables

    import ubiops
    # Set environment variables
    # - UBIOPS_API_HOST: optional - default to ""
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi()
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    data = ubiops.EnvironmentVariableCreate() # EnvironmentVariableCreate
    # Create deployment environment variable
    api_response = core_api.deployment_environment_variables_create(project_name, deployment_name, data)
    # Close the connection

  • Use authorization parameters

    import ubiops
    configuration = ubiops.Configuration()
    # Configure API token authorization
    configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = "Token <YOUR_API_TOKEN>"
    # Defining host is optional and default to "" = ""
    api_client = ubiops.ApiClient(configuration)
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi(api_client)
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    data = ubiops.EnvironmentVariableCreate() # EnvironmentVariableCreate
    # Create deployment environment variable
    api_response = core_api.deployment_environment_variables_create(project_name, deployment_name, data)
    # Close the connection


Name Type Notes
project_name str
deployment_name str
data EnvironmentVariableCreate

Return type



API token

[Back to top]


deployment_environment_variables_delete(project_name, deployment_name, id)

Delete deployment environment variable


Delete an environment variable of the deployment


  • Use system environment variables

    import ubiops
    # Set environment variables
    # - UBIOPS_API_HOST: optional - default to ""
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi()
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    id = 'id_example' # str
    # Delete deployment environment variable
    core_api.deployment_environment_variables_delete(project_name, deployment_name, id)
    # Close the connection

  • Use authorization parameters

    import ubiops
    configuration = ubiops.Configuration()
    # Configure API token authorization
    configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = "Token <YOUR_API_TOKEN>"
    # Defining host is optional and default to "" = ""
    api_client = ubiops.ApiClient(configuration)
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi(api_client)
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    id = 'id_example' # str
    # Delete deployment environment variable
    core_api.deployment_environment_variables_delete(project_name, deployment_name, id)
    # Close the connection


Name Type Notes
project_name str
deployment_name str
id str

Return type

void (empty response body)


API token

[Back to top]


EnvironmentVariableList deployment_environment_variables_get(project_name, deployment_name, id)

Get deployment environment variable


Retrieve details of a deployment environment variable. This cannot be used to retrieve details of inherited variables.

Response Structure

A list of variables described by the following fields:

  • id: Unique identifier for the environment variable
  • name: Variable name
  • value: Variable value (will be null for secret variables)
  • secret: Boolean that indicates if this variable contains sensitive information

Response Examples

    "id": "4c15a27e-25ea-4be0-86c7-f4790389d061",
    "name": "database_schema",
    "value": "public",
    "secret": false


  • Use system environment variables

    import ubiops
    # Set environment variables
    # - UBIOPS_API_HOST: optional - default to ""
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi()
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    id = 'id_example' # str
    # Get deployment environment variable
    api_response = core_api.deployment_environment_variables_get(project_name, deployment_name, id)
    # Close the connection

  • Use authorization parameters

    import ubiops
    configuration = ubiops.Configuration()
    # Configure API token authorization
    configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = "Token <YOUR_API_TOKEN>"
    # Defining host is optional and default to "" = ""
    api_client = ubiops.ApiClient(configuration)
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi(api_client)
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    id = 'id_example' # str
    # Get deployment environment variable
    api_response = core_api.deployment_environment_variables_get(project_name, deployment_name, id)
    # Close the connection


Name Type Notes
project_name str
deployment_name str
id str

Return type



API token

[Back to top]


list[InheritedEnvironmentVariableList] deployment_environment_variables_list(project_name, deployment_name)

List deployment environment variables


List the environment variables defined for the deployment. Includes environment variables defined at project level.

Response Structure

A list of variables described by the following fields:

  • id: Unique identifier for the environment variable
  • name: Variable name
  • value: Variable value (will be null for secret variables)
  • secret: Boolean that indicates if this variable contains sensitive information
  • inheritance_type: Type of parent object that this variable is inherited from - can be project or null if the variable was defined for the deployment directly
  • inheritance_name: Name of the parent object that this variable is inherited from - will be null if the variable was defined for the deployment directly

Response Examples

    "id": "4c15a27e-25ea-4be0-86c7-f4790389d061",
    "name": "database_schema",
    "value": "public",
    "secret": false,
    "inheritance_type": null,
    "inheritance_name": null
    "id": "06c2c8be-507e-4fae-981d-54e94f22dab0",
    "name": "database_password",
    "value": null,
    "secret": true,
    "inheritance_type": "project",
    "inheritance_name": "project_name"


  • Use system environment variables

    import ubiops
    # Set environment variables
    # - UBIOPS_API_HOST: optional - default to ""
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi()
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    # List deployment environment variables
    api_response = core_api.deployment_environment_variables_list(project_name, deployment_name)
    # Close the connection

  • Use authorization parameters

    import ubiops
    configuration = ubiops.Configuration()
    # Configure API token authorization
    configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = "Token <YOUR_API_TOKEN>"
    # Defining host is optional and default to "" = ""
    api_client = ubiops.ApiClient(configuration)
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi(api_client)
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    # List deployment environment variables
    api_response = core_api.deployment_environment_variables_list(project_name, deployment_name)
    # Close the connection


Name Type Notes
project_name str
deployment_name str

Return type



API token

[Back to top]


EnvironmentVariableList deployment_environment_variables_update(project_name, deployment_name, id, data)

Update deployment environment variable


Update an environment variable for the deployment. This cannot be used to update inherited variables; to change an inherited variable for a specific deployment you can create a variable with the same name for the deployment.

Required Parameters

  • name: The name of the variable. The variable will have this name when accessed from your deployment code. The variable name should contain only letters and underscores, and not start or end with an underscore.
  • value: The value of the variable as a string. It may be an empty string ("").
  • secret: If this variable contains sensitive information, set this to true to hide it from other users. Can be updated from false to true, but not from true to false (i.e. secrets will stay secrets).

Request Examples

  "name": "deployment_variable_a",
  "value": "some new value",
  "secret": false

Response Structure

A list of variables described by the following fields:

  • id: Unique identifier for the environment variable
  • name: Variable name
  • value: Variable value (will be null for secret variables)
  • secret: Boolean that indicates if this variable contains sensitive information

Response Examples

  "id": "7c28a2be-507e-4fae-981d-54e94f22dab0",
  "name": "deployment_variable_a",
  "value": "some new value",
  "secret": false


  • Use system environment variables

    import ubiops
    # Set environment variables
    # - UBIOPS_API_HOST: optional - default to ""
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi()
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    id = 'id_example' # str
    data = ubiops.EnvironmentVariableCreate() # EnvironmentVariableCreate
    # Update deployment environment variable
    api_response = core_api.deployment_environment_variables_update(project_name, deployment_name, id, data)
    # Close the connection

  • Use authorization parameters

    import ubiops
    configuration = ubiops.Configuration()
    # Configure API token authorization
    configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = "Token <YOUR_API_TOKEN>"
    # Defining host is optional and default to "" = ""
    api_client = ubiops.ApiClient(configuration)
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi(api_client)
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    id = 'id_example' # str
    data = ubiops.EnvironmentVariableCreate() # EnvironmentVariableCreate
    # Update deployment environment variable
    api_response = core_api.deployment_environment_variables_update(project_name, deployment_name, id, data)
    # Close the connection


Name Type Notes
project_name str
deployment_name str
id str
data EnvironmentVariableCreate

Return type



API token

[Back to top]


list[InheritedEnvironmentVariableList] deployment_version_environment_variables_copy(project_name, deployment_name, version, data)

Copy deployment version environment variable


Copy existing environment variables from a source object to the deployment version. Variables of the deployment version with the same name as ones from the source object will be overwritten with the new value. Only the copied variables are returned.

Required Parameters

  • source_deployment: The name of the deployment from which the variables will be copied

Optional Parameters

  • source_version: The version of the deployment from which the variables will be copied

Request Examples

Copy the environment variables from a deployment

  "source_deployment": "example-deployment"

Copy the environment variables from a deployment version

  "source_deployment": "example-deployment",
  "source_version": "v1"

Response Structure

A list of the copied variables described by the following fields:

  • id: Unique identifier for the environment variable
  • name: Variable name
  • value: Variable value (will be null for secret variables)
  • secret: Boolean that indicates if this variable contains sensitive information
  • inheritance_type: Type of parent object that this variable is inherited from. Will be null for copied environment variables.
  • inheritance_name: Name of the parent object that this variable is inherited from. Will be null for copied environment variables.

Response Examples

    "id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
    "name": "version_specific_variable",
    "value": "some_value",
    "secret": false,
    "inheritance_type": null,
    "inheritance_name": null
    "id": "4c15a27e-25ea-4be0-86c7-f4790389d061",
    "name": "database_schema",
    "value": "public",
    "secret": false,
    "inheritance_type": null,
    "inheritance_name": null
    "id": "06c2c8be-507e-4fae-981d-54e94f22dab0",
    "name": "database_password",
    "value": null,
    "secret": true,
    "inheritance_type": null,
    "inheritance_name": null


  • Use system environment variables

    import ubiops
    # Set environment variables
    # - UBIOPS_API_HOST: optional - default to ""
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi()
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    version = 'version_example' # str
    data = ubiops.EnvironmentVariableCopy() # EnvironmentVariableCopy
    # Copy deployment version environment variable
    api_response = core_api.deployment_version_environment_variables_copy(project_name, deployment_name, version, data)
    # Close the connection

  • Use authorization parameters

    import ubiops
    configuration = ubiops.Configuration()
    # Configure API token authorization
    configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = "Token <YOUR_API_TOKEN>"
    # Defining host is optional and default to "" = ""
    api_client = ubiops.ApiClient(configuration)
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi(api_client)
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    version = 'version_example' # str
    data = ubiops.EnvironmentVariableCopy() # EnvironmentVariableCopy
    # Copy deployment version environment variable
    api_response = core_api.deployment_version_environment_variables_copy(project_name, deployment_name, version, data)
    # Close the connection


Name Type Notes
project_name str
deployment_name str
version str
data EnvironmentVariableCopy

Return type



API token

[Back to top]


EnvironmentVariableList deployment_version_environment_variables_create(project_name, deployment_name, version, data)

Create deployment version environment variable


Create an environment variable for the deployment version. Variables inherited from the project or deployment can be shadowed by creating a variable with the same name.

Required Parameters

  • name: The name of the variable. The variable will have this name when accessed from your deployment code. The variable name should contain only letters and underscores, and not start or end with an underscore.
  • value: The value of the variable as a string. It may be an empty string ("").
  • secret: If this variable contains sensitive information, set this to true to hide it from other users.

Request Examples

  "name": "deployment_version_variable",
  "value": "another one",
  "secret": false

Response Structure

A list of variables described by the following fields:

  • id: Unique identifier for the environment variable
  • name: Variable name
  • value: Variable value (will be null for secret variables)
  • secret: Boolean that indicates if this variable contains sensitive information

Response Examples

  "id": "54e94fbe-507e-4fae-981d-227c28a2dab0",
  "name": "deployment_version_variable",
  "value": "another one",
  "secret": false


  • Use system environment variables

    import ubiops
    # Set environment variables
    # - UBIOPS_API_HOST: optional - default to ""
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi()
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    version = 'version_example' # str
    data = ubiops.EnvironmentVariableCreate() # EnvironmentVariableCreate
    # Create deployment version environment variable
    api_response = core_api.deployment_version_environment_variables_create(project_name, deployment_name, version, data)
    # Close the connection

  • Use authorization parameters

    import ubiops
    configuration = ubiops.Configuration()
    # Configure API token authorization
    configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = "Token <YOUR_API_TOKEN>"
    # Defining host is optional and default to "" = ""
    api_client = ubiops.ApiClient(configuration)
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi(api_client)
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    version = 'version_example' # str
    data = ubiops.EnvironmentVariableCreate() # EnvironmentVariableCreate
    # Create deployment version environment variable
    api_response = core_api.deployment_version_environment_variables_create(project_name, deployment_name, version, data)
    # Close the connection


Name Type Notes
project_name str
deployment_name str
version str
data EnvironmentVariableCreate

Return type



API token

[Back to top]


deployment_version_environment_variables_delete(project_name, deployment_name, id, version)

Delete deployment version environment variable


Delete an environment variable of a deployment version


  • Use system environment variables

    import ubiops
    # Set environment variables
    # - UBIOPS_API_HOST: optional - default to ""
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi()
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    id = 'id_example' # str
    version = 'version_example' # str
    # Delete deployment version environment variable
    core_api.deployment_version_environment_variables_delete(project_name, deployment_name, id, version)
    # Close the connection

  • Use authorization parameters

    import ubiops
    configuration = ubiops.Configuration()
    # Configure API token authorization
    configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = "Token <YOUR_API_TOKEN>"
    # Defining host is optional and default to "" = ""
    api_client = ubiops.ApiClient(configuration)
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi(api_client)
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    id = 'id_example' # str
    version = 'version_example' # str
    # Delete deployment version environment variable
    core_api.deployment_version_environment_variables_delete(project_name, deployment_name, id, version)
    # Close the connection


Name Type Notes
project_name str
deployment_name str
id str
version str

Return type

void (empty response body)


API token

[Back to top]


EnvironmentVariableList deployment_version_environment_variables_get(project_name, deployment_name, id, version)

Get deployment version environment variable


Retrieve details of a deployment version environment variable. This cannot be used to retrieve details of inherited variables.

Response Structure

A list of variables described by the following fields:

  • id: Unique identifier for the environment variable
  • name: Variable name
  • value: Variable value (will be null for secret variables)
  • secret: Boolean that indicates if this variable contains sensitive information

Response Examples

    "id": "4c15a27e-25ea-4be0-86c7-f4790389d061",
    "name": "database_schema",
    "value": "public",
    "secret": false


  • Use system environment variables

    import ubiops
    # Set environment variables
    # - UBIOPS_API_HOST: optional - default to ""
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi()
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    id = 'id_example' # str
    version = 'version_example' # str
    # Get deployment version environment variable
    api_response = core_api.deployment_version_environment_variables_get(project_name, deployment_name, id, version)
    # Close the connection

  • Use authorization parameters

    import ubiops
    configuration = ubiops.Configuration()
    # Configure API token authorization
    configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = "Token <YOUR_API_TOKEN>"
    # Defining host is optional and default to "" = ""
    api_client = ubiops.ApiClient(configuration)
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi(api_client)
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    id = 'id_example' # str
    version = 'version_example' # str
    # Get deployment version environment variable
    api_response = core_api.deployment_version_environment_variables_get(project_name, deployment_name, id, version)
    # Close the connection


Name Type Notes
project_name str
deployment_name str
id str
version str

Return type



API token

[Back to top]


list[InheritedEnvironmentVariableList] deployment_version_environment_variables_list(project_name, deployment_name, version)

List deployment version environment variables


List the environment variables defined for the deployment version. Includes environment variables defined at project level and deployment level.

Response Structure

A list of variables described by the following fields:

  • id: Unique identifier for the environment variable
  • name: Variable name
  • value: Variable value (will be null for secret variables)
  • secret: Boolean that indicates if this variable contains sensitive information
  • inheritance_type: Type of parent object that this variable is inherited from - can be project, deployment, or null if the variable was defined for the version directly
  • inheritance_name: Name of the parent object that this variable is inherited from - will be null if the variable was defined for the version directly

Response Examples

    "id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
    "name": "deployment_version_specific_variable",
    "value": "some_value",
    "secret": false,
    "inheritance_type": null,
    "inheritance_name": null
    "id": "4c15a27e-25ea-4be0-86c7-f4790389d061",
    "name": "database_schema",
    "value": "public",
    "secret": false,
    "inheritance_type": "deployment",
    "inheritance_name": "deployment_name"
    "id": "06c2c8be-507e-4fae-981d-54e94f22dab0",
    "name": "database_password",
    "value": null,
    "secret": true,
    "inheritance_type": "project",
    "inheritance_name": "project_name"


  • Use system environment variables

    import ubiops
    # Set environment variables
    # - UBIOPS_API_HOST: optional - default to ""
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi()
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    version = 'version_example' # str
    # List deployment version environment variables
    api_response = core_api.deployment_version_environment_variables_list(project_name, deployment_name, version)
    # Close the connection

  • Use authorization parameters

    import ubiops
    configuration = ubiops.Configuration()
    # Configure API token authorization
    configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = "Token <YOUR_API_TOKEN>"
    # Defining host is optional and default to "" = ""
    api_client = ubiops.ApiClient(configuration)
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi(api_client)
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    version = 'version_example' # str
    # List deployment version environment variables
    api_response = core_api.deployment_version_environment_variables_list(project_name, deployment_name, version)
    # Close the connection


Name Type Notes
project_name str
deployment_name str
version str

Return type



API token

[Back to top]


EnvironmentVariableList deployment_version_environment_variables_update(project_name, deployment_name, id, version, data)

Update deployment version environment variable


Update an environment variable for the deployment version. This cannot be used to update inherited variables; to change an inherited variable for a specific version you can create a variable with the same name for the deployment version.

Required Parameters

  • name: The name of the variable. The variable will have this name when accessed from your deployment code. The variable name should contain only letters and underscores, and not start or end with an underscore.
  • value: The value of the variable as a string. It may be an empty string ("").
  • secret: If this variable contains sensitive information, set this to true to hide it from other users. Can be updated from false to true, but not from true to false (i.e. secrets will stay secrets).

Request Examples

  "name": "deployment_version_variable",
  "value": "yet another one",
  "secret": false

Response Structure

A list of variables described by the following fields:

  • id: Unique identifier for the environment variable
  • name: Variable name
  • value: Variable value (will be null for secret variables)
  • secret: Boolean that indicates if this variable contains sensitive information

Response Examples

  "id": "54e94fbe-507e-4fae-981d-227c28a2dab0",
  "name": "deployment_version_variable",
  "value": "yet another one",
  "secret": false


  • Use system environment variables

    import ubiops
    # Set environment variables
    # - UBIOPS_API_HOST: optional - default to ""
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi()
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    id = 'id_example' # str
    version = 'version_example' # str
    data = ubiops.EnvironmentVariableCreate() # EnvironmentVariableCreate
    # Update deployment version environment variable
    api_response = core_api.deployment_version_environment_variables_update(project_name, deployment_name, id, version, data)
    # Close the connection

  • Use authorization parameters

    import ubiops
    configuration = ubiops.Configuration()
    # Configure API token authorization
    configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = "Token <YOUR_API_TOKEN>"
    # Defining host is optional and default to "" = ""
    api_client = ubiops.ApiClient(configuration)
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi(api_client)
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    id = 'id_example' # str
    version = 'version_example' # str
    data = ubiops.EnvironmentVariableCreate() # EnvironmentVariableCreate
    # Update deployment version environment variable
    api_response = core_api.deployment_version_environment_variables_update(project_name, deployment_name, id, version, data)
    # Close the connection


Name Type Notes
project_name str
deployment_name str
id str
version str
data EnvironmentVariableCreate

Return type



API token

[Back to top]


DeploymentVersionDetail deployment_versions_create(project_name, deployment_name, data)

Create deployment versions


Create a version for a deployment. The first version of a deployment is set as default.

Required Parameters

  • version: Name of the version of the deployment

Optional Parameters

  • environment: Environment of the version. It can be either a base or a custom environment.
  • instance_type: [DEPRECATED] The reserved instance type for the version
  • instance_type_group_id: ID of the instance type group for the version
  • instance_type_group_name: Name of the instance type group for the version. If there are multiple groups with the same name in the project, the first group found will be used.
  • maximum_instances: Upper bound of number of instances running. The default value is 5. Indicator of resource capacity: if many deployment requests need to be handled in a short time, this number can be set higher to avoid long waiting times.
  • minimum_instances: Lower bound of number of instances running. The default value is 0. Set this value greater than 0 to always have a always running version.
  • maximum_idle_time: Maximum time in seconds a version stays idle before it is stopped. The default value is 300, the minimum value is 10 (300 for GPU deployments) and the maximum value is 3600. A high value means that the version stays available longer. Sending requests to a running version means that it will be already initialized and thus take a shorter timer.
  • description: Description for the version
  • labels: Dictionary containing key/value pairs where key indicates the label and value is the corresponding value of that label
  • request_retention_time: Number of seconds to store requests to the version. It defaults to 604800 seconds (1 week).
  • request_retention_mode: Mode of request retention for requests to the version. It can be one of the following:
    • none - the requests will not be stored
    • metadata - only the metadata of the requests will be stored
    • full - both the metadata and input/output of the requests will be stored
  • maximum_queue_size_express: Maximum number of queued express requests for all instances of this deployment version
  • maximum_queue_size_batch: Maximum number of queued batch requests for all instances of this deployment version
  • static_ip: A boolean indicating whether the deployment version should get a static IP. It defaults to False.
  • restart_request_interruption: A boolean indicating whether the requests should be restarted in case of an interruption. It defaults to False.
  • ports: A list of ports to open up in the deployment. Each item must be a dictionary containing the fields public_port, deployment_port and protocol.
  • scaling_strategy: Scaling strategy for running instances. It can be one of the following:
    • default - scales up directly with incoming requests, ideal for long requests
    • moderate - optimized scaling, less aggressive and saves costs, ideal for short requests
  • instance_processes: Number of processes that are started in each instance, defaults to 1

If the time that a request takes does not matter, keep the default values.

Request Examples

  "version": "version-1",
  "environment": "python3-8"
  "version": "version-1",
  "environment": "r4-0",
  "instance_type_group_id": "530c0878-d73c-4ea5-9f5d-f83bc1eeacd7"
  "version": "version-1",
  "environment": "python3-8-cuda",
  "instance_type_group_id": "6e7f011c-829e-43f9-b7cf-7f9283699777",
  "maximum_instances": 1
  "version": "version-1",
  "maximum_instances": 4,
  "minimum_instances": 1,
  "version": "version-1",
  "ports": [
      "public_port": 2222,
      "deployment_port": 2222,
      "protocol": "tcp

Response Structure

Details of the created version

  • id: Unique identifier for the deployment version (UUID)
  • deployment: Deployment name to which the version is associated
  • version: Version name
  • default: A boolean indicating whether the version is the default version
  • description: Description of the version
  • environment: Environment of the version
  • environment_display_name: Human readable name of the environment
  • status: The status of the version
  • active_revision: UUID of the active revision of the version. It is initialised as None since there are no deployment files uploaded for the version yet.
  • latest_revision: UUID of the latest revision of the version. It is initialised as None since there are no deployment files uploaded for the version yet.
  • instance_type: [DEPRECATED] The reserved instance type for the version
  • instance_type_group_id: ID of the instance type group for the version
  • instance_type_group_name: Name of the instance type group for the version
  • maximum_instances: Upper bound of number of instances running
  • minimum_instances: Lower bound of number of instances running
  • maximum_idle_time: Maximum time in seconds a version stays idle before it is stopped
  • labels: Dictionary containing key/value pairs where key indicates the label and value is the corresponding value of that label
  • creation_date: The date when the version was created
  • last_file_upload: The date when a deployment file was last uploaded for the version
  • last_updated: The date when the version was last updated
  • request_retention_time: Number of seconds to store requests to the version
  • request_retention_mode: Mode of request retention for requests to the version. It can be one of the following: none, metadata or full.
  • maximum_queue_size_express: Maximum number of queued express requests for all instances of this deployment version
  • maximum_queue_size_batch: Maximum number of queued batch requests for all instances of this deployment version
  • has_request_method: Whether the latest revision of the version has a 'request' method
  • has_requests_method: Whether the latest revision of the version has a 'requests' method
  • static_ip: A boolean indicating whether the deployment version should get a static IP
  • restart_request_interruption: A boolean indicating whether the requests should be restarted in case of an interruption
  • ports: A list of ports to open up in the deployment
  • scaling_strategy: Scaling strategy for running instances. It can be one of the following: default or moderate
  • instance_processes: Number of processes that are started in each instance

Response Examples

  "id": "4ae7d14b-4803-4e16-b96d-3b18caa4b605",
  "deployment": "deployment-1",
  "version": "version-1",
  "default": true,
  "description": "",
  "environment": "python3-8",
  "environment_display_name": "Python 3.8",
  "status": "unavailable",
  "active_revision": null,
  "latest_revision": null,
  "instance_type": "512mb",
  "instance_type_group_id": "530c0878-d73c-4ea5-9f5d-f83bc1eeacd7",
  "instance_type_group_name": "512mb",
  "maximum_instances": 5,
  "minimum_instances": 0,
  "maximum_idle_time": 10,
  "labels": {
    "type": "version"
  "creation_date": "2020-05-12T16:23:15.456812Z",
  "last_updated": "2020-05-12T16:23:15.456812Z",
  "last_file_upload": null,
  "request_retention_time": 604800,
  "request_retention_mode": "full",
  "maximum_queue_size_express": 100,
  "maximum_queue_size_batch": 100000,
  "has_request_method": null,
  "has_requests_method": null,
  "static_ip": false,
  "restart_request_interruption": false,
  "ports": [],
  "scaling_strategy": "default",
  "instance_processes": 1


  • Use system environment variables

    import ubiops
    # Set environment variables
    # - UBIOPS_API_HOST: optional - default to ""
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi()
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    data = ubiops.DeploymentVersionCreate() # DeploymentVersionCreate
    # Create deployment versions
    api_response = core_api.deployment_versions_create(project_name, deployment_name, data)
    # Close the connection

  • Use authorization parameters

    import ubiops
    configuration = ubiops.Configuration()
    # Configure API token authorization
    configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = "Token <YOUR_API_TOKEN>"
    # Defining host is optional and default to "" = ""
    api_client = ubiops.ApiClient(configuration)
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi(api_client)
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    data = ubiops.DeploymentVersionCreate() # DeploymentVersionCreate
    # Create deployment versions
    api_response = core_api.deployment_versions_create(project_name, deployment_name, data)
    # Close the connection


Name Type Notes
project_name str
deployment_name str
data DeploymentVersionCreate

Return type



API token

[Back to top]


deployment_versions_delete(project_name, deployment_name, version)

Delete deployment version


Delete a deployment version. The version cannot be deleted if: - It is referenced in a pipeline, it must be removed from the pipeline first. - It is the default version of its deployment and is referenced in a request schedule.


  • Use system environment variables

    import ubiops
    # Set environment variables
    # - UBIOPS_API_HOST: optional - default to ""
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi()
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    version = 'version_example' # str
    # Delete deployment version
    core_api.deployment_versions_delete(project_name, deployment_name, version)
    # Close the connection

  • Use authorization parameters

    import ubiops
    configuration = ubiops.Configuration()
    # Configure API token authorization
    configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = "Token <YOUR_API_TOKEN>"
    # Defining host is optional and default to "" = ""
    api_client = ubiops.ApiClient(configuration)
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi(api_client)
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    version = 'version_example' # str
    # Delete deployment version
    core_api.deployment_versions_delete(project_name, deployment_name, version)
    # Close the connection


Name Type Notes
project_name str
deployment_name str
version str

Return type

void (empty response body)


API token

[Back to top]


DeploymentVersionDetail deployment_versions_get(project_name, deployment_name, version)

Get deployment version


Retrieve details of a version of a deployment in a project

Response Structure

Details of a version

  • id: Unique identifier for the version (UUID)
  • deployment: Deployment name to which the version is associated
  • version: Version name
  • default: A boolean indicating whether the version is the default version
  • description: Description of the version
  • environment: Environment of the version
  • environment_display_name: Human readable name of the environment
  • status: The status of the version
  • active_revision: UUID of the active revision of the version. If no deployment files have been uploaded yet, it is None.
  • latest_revision: UUID of the latest build of the version. If no deployment files have been uploaded yet, it is None.
  • instance_type: [DEPRECATED] The reserved instance type for the version
  • instance_type_group_id: ID of the instance type group for the version
  • instance_type_group_name: Name of the instance type group for the version
  • maximum_instances: Upper bound of number of instances running
  • minimum_instances: Lower bound of number of instances running
  • maximum_idle_time: Maximum time in seconds a version stays idle before it is stopped
  • labels: Dictionary containing key/value pairs where key indicates the label and value is the corresponding value of that label
  • creation_date: The date when the version was created
  • last_updated: The date when the version was last updated
  • last_file_upload: The date when a deployment file was last uploaded for the version
  • request_retention_time: Number of seconds to store requests to the version
  • request_retention_mode: Mode of request retention for requests to the version. It can be one of the following:
    • none - the requests will not be stored
    • metadata - only the metadata of the requests will be stored
    • full - both the metadata and input/output of the requests will be stored
  • maximum_queue_size_express: Maximum number of queued express requests for all instances of this deployment version
  • maximum_queue_size_batch: Maximum number of queued batch requests for all instances of this deployment version
  • has_request_method: Whether the latest revision of the version has a 'request' method
  • has_requests_method: Whether the latest revision of the version has a 'requests' method
  • static_ip: A boolean indicating whether the deployment version should get a static IP
  • restart_request_interruption: A boolean indicating whether the requests should be restarted in case of an interruption
  • ports: A list of ports to open up in the deployment
  • scaling_strategy: Scaling strategy for running instances. It can be one of the following: default or moderate
  • instance_processes: Number of processes that are started in each instance

Response Examples

  "id": "4ae7d14b-4803-4e16-b96d-3b18caa4b605",
  "deployment": "deployment-1",
  "version": "version-1",
  "default": true,
  "description": "",
  "environment": "python3-8",
  "environment_display_name": "Python 3.7",
  "status": "available",
  "active_revision": "a74662be-c938-4104-872a-8be1b85f64ff",
  "latest_revision": "a74662be-c938-4104-872a-8be1b85f64ff",
  "instance_type": "512mb",
  "instance_type_group_id": "530c0878-d73c-4ea5-9f5d-f83bc1eeacd7",
  "instance_type_group_name": "512mb",
  "maximum_instances": 4,
  "minimum_instances": 1,
  "maximum_idle_time": 10,
  "labels": {
    "type": "version"
  "creation_date": "2020-05-12T16:23:15.456812Z",
  "last_updated": "2020-06-22T18:04:76.123754Z",
  "last_file_uploaded": "2020-06-21T09:03:01.875391Z",
  "request_retention_time": 604800,
  "request_retention_mode": "full",
  "maximum_queue_size_express": 100,
  "maximum_queue_size_batch": 100000,
  "has_request_method": true,
  "has_requests_method": false,
  "static_ip": false,
  "restart_request_interruption": false,
  "ports": [],
  "scaling_strategy": "moderate",
  "instance_processes": 1


  • Use system environment variables

    import ubiops
    # Set environment variables
    # - UBIOPS_API_HOST: optional - default to ""
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi()
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    version = 'version_example' # str
    # Get deployment version
    api_response = core_api.deployment_versions_get(project_name, deployment_name, version)
    # Close the connection

  • Use authorization parameters

    import ubiops
    configuration = ubiops.Configuration()
    # Configure API token authorization
    configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = "Token <YOUR_API_TOKEN>"
    # Defining host is optional and default to "" = ""
    api_client = ubiops.ApiClient(configuration)
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi(api_client)
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    version = 'version_example' # str
    # Get deployment version
    api_response = core_api.deployment_versions_get(project_name, deployment_name, version)
    # Close the connection


Name Type Notes
project_name str
deployment_name str
version str

Return type



API token

[Back to top]


list[DeploymentVersionList] deployment_versions_list(project_name, deployment_name, labels=labels)

List deployment versions


Versions can be filtered according to the labels they have by giving labels as a query parameter. Versions that have at least one of the labels on which is filtered, are returned.

Optional Parameters

  • labels: Filter on labels of the version. Should be given in the format 'label:label_value'. Separate multiple label-pairs with a comma (,). This parameter should be given as query parameter.

Response Structure

A list of details of the versions

  • id: Unique identifier for the deployment version (UUID)
  • deployment: Deployment name to which the version is associated
  • version: Version name
  • default: A boolean indicating whether the version is the default version
  • description: Description of the version
  • environment: Environment of the version
  • environment_display_name: Human readable name of the environment
  • status: The status of the version
  • active_revision: UUID of the active revision of the version. If no deployment files have been uploaded yet, it is None.
  • latest_revision: UUID of the latest revision of the version. If no deployment files have been uploaded yet, it is None.
  • maximum_instances: Upper bound of number of instances running
  • minimum_instances: Lower bound of number of instances running
  • maximum_idle_time: Maximum time in seconds a version stays idle before it is stopped
  • labels: Dictionary containing key/value pairs where key indicates the label and value is the corresponding value of that label
  • creation_date: The date when the version was created
  • last_updated: The date when the version was last updated
  • request_retention_time: Number of seconds to store requests to the version
  • request_retention_mode: Mode of request retention for requests to the version. It can be one of the following:
    • none - the requests will not be stored
    • metadata - only the metadata of the requests will be stored
    • full - both the metadata and input/output of the requests will be stored
  • maximum_queue_size_express: Maximum number of queued express requests for all instances of this deployment version
  • maximum_queue_size_batch: Maximum number of queued batch requests for all instances of this deployment version
  • static_ip: A boolean indicating whether the deployment version should get a static IP
  • restart_request_interruption: A boolean indicating whether the requests should be restarted in case of an interruption
  • ports: A list of ports to open up in the deployment
  • scaling_strategy: Scaling strategy for running instances. It can be one of the following: default or moderate.
  • instance_processes: Number of processes that are started in each instance

Response Examples

    "id": "4ae7d14b-4803-4e16-b96d-3b18caa4b605",
    "deployment": "deployment-1",
    "version": "version-1",
    "default": true,
    "description": "",
    "environment": "python3-8",
    "environment_display_name": "Python 3.8",
    "status": "available",
    "active_revision": "da27ef7c-aa3f-4963-a815-6ebf1865638e",
    "latest_revision": "0f4a94c6-ec4c-4d1e-81d7-8f3e40471f75",
    "maximum_instances": 4,
    "minimum_instances": 1,
    "maximum_idle_time": 10,
    "labels": {
      "type": "version"
    "creation_date": "2020-06-18T08:32:14.876451Z",
    "last_updated": "2020-06-19T10:52:23.124784Z",
    "request_retention_time": 604800,
    "request_retention_mode": "full",
    "maximum_queue_size_express": 100,
    "maximum_queue_size_batch": 100000,
    "static_ip": false,
    "restart_request_interruption": false,
    "ports": [],
    "scaling_strategy": "default",
    "instance_processes": 1
    "id": "24f6b80a-08c3-4d52-ac1a-2ea7e70f16a6",
    "deployment": "deployment-1",
    "version": "version-2",
    "default": false,
    "description": "",
    "environment": "r4-0",
    "environment_display_name": "R 4.0",
    "status": "available",
    "active_revision": "a74662be-c938-4104-872a-8be1b85f64ff",
    "latest_revision": "a74662be-c938-4104-872a-8be1b85f64ff",
    "maximum_instances": 5,
    "minimum_instances": 0,
    "maximum_idle_time": 10,
    "labels": {
      "type": "version"
    "creation_date": "2020-05-12T16:23:15.456812Z",
    "last_updated": "2020-06-22T18:04:76.123754Z",
    "request_retention_time": 86400,
    "request_retention_mode": "metadata",
    "maximum_queue_size_express": 100,
    "maximum_queue_size_batch": 100000,
    "static_ip": true,
    "restart_request_interruption": false,
    "ports": [],
    "scaling_strategy": "moderate",
    "instance_processes": 1


  • Use system environment variables

    import ubiops
    # Set environment variables
    # - UBIOPS_API_HOST: optional - default to ""
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi()
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    labels = "label1:value1,label2:value2" # str (optional)
    # List deployment versions
    api_response = core_api.deployment_versions_list(project_name, deployment_name, labels=labels)
    # Close the connection

  • Use authorization parameters

    import ubiops
    configuration = ubiops.Configuration()
    # Configure API token authorization
    configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = "Token <YOUR_API_TOKEN>"
    # Defining host is optional and default to "" = ""
    api_client = ubiops.ApiClient(configuration)
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi(api_client)
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    labels = "label1:value1,label2:value2" # str (optional)
    # List deployment versions
    api_response = core_api.deployment_versions_list(project_name, deployment_name, labels=labels)
    # Close the connection


Name Type Notes
project_name str
deployment_name str
labels str [optional]

Return type



API token

[Back to top]


DeploymentVersionDetail deployment_versions_update(project_name, deployment_name, version, data)

Update deployment version


Update a version of a deployment in a project. All necessary fields are validated again. When updating labels, the labels will replace the existing value for labels.

Optional Parameters

  • version: New name for the version
  • instance_type: [DEPRECATED] New instance type for the version
  • instance_type_group_id: ID of the new instance type group for the version
  • instance_type_group_name: Name of the new instance type group for the version. If there are multiple groups with the same name in the project, the first group found will be used.
  • maximum_instances: New upper bound of number of instances running
  • minimum_instances: New lower bound of number of instances running
  • maximum_idle_time: New maximum time in seconds a version stays idle before it is stopped
  • description: New description for the version
  • labels: Dictionary containing key/value pairs where key indicates the label and value is the corresponding value of that label. The new labels will replace the existing value for labels.
  • request_retention_time: Number of seconds to store requests to the version
  • request_retention_mode: Mode of request retention for requests to the version. It can be one of the following:
    • none - the requests will not be stored
    • metadata - only the metadata of the requests will be stored
    • full - both the metadata and input/output of the requests will be stored
  • maximum_queue_size_express: Maximum number of queued express requests for all instances of this deployment version
  • maximum_queue_size_batch: Maximum number of queued batch requests for all instances of this deployment version
  • static_ip: A boolean indicating whether the deployment version should get a static IP
  • restart_request_interruption: A boolean indicating whether the requests should be restarted in case of an interruption
  • environment: New environment for the version. It can be either a base or a custom environment.
  • ports: A list of ports to open up in the deployment. Each item must be a dictionary containing the fields public_port, deployment_port and protocol. The new ports will replace the existing value for ports.
  • scaling_strategy: Scaling strategy for running instances. It can be one of the following:
    • default - scales up directly with incoming requests, ideal for long requests
    • moderate - optimized scaling, less aggressive and saves costs, ideal for short requests
  • instance_processes: Number of processes that are started in each instance

Request Examples

  "version": "new-version"
  "instance_type_group_id": "530c0878-d73c-4ea5-9f5d-f83bc1eeacd7",
  "maximum_instances": 4,
  "minimum_instances": 1,

Response Structure

Details of the updated version

  • id: Unique identifier for the deployment version (UUID)
  • deployment: Deployment name to which the version is associated
  • version: Version name
  • default: A boolean indicating whether the version is the default version
  • description: Description of the version
  • environment: Environment of the version
  • environment_display_name: Human readable name of the environment
  • status: The status of the version
  • active_revision: UUID of the active revision of the version. If no deployment files have been uploaded yet, it is None.
  • latest_revision: UUID of the latest build of the version. If no deployment files have been uploaded yet, it is None.
  • instance_type: [DEPRECATED] The reserved instance type for the version
  • instance_type_group_id: ID of the instance type group for the version
  • instance_type_group_name: Name of the instance type group for the version
  • maximum_instances: Upper bound of number of instances running
  • minimum_instances: Lower bound of number of instances running
  • maximum_idle_time: Maximum time in seconds a version stays idle before it is stopped
  • labels: Dictionary containing key/value pairs where key indicates the label and value is the corresponding value of that label
  • creation_date: The date when the version was created
  • last_updated: The date when the version was last updated
  • last_file_upload: The date when a deployment file was last uploaded for the version
  • request_retention_time: Number of seconds to store requests to the version
  • request_retention_mode: Mode of request retention for requests to the version. It can be one of the following: none, metadata or full.
  • maximum_queue_size_express: Maximum number of queued express requests for all instances of this deployment version
  • maximum_queue_size_batch: Maximum number of queued batch requests for all instances of this deployment version
  • has_request_method: Whether the latest revision of the version has a 'request' method
  • has_requests_method: Whether the latest revision of the version has a 'requests' method
  • static_ip: A boolean indicating whether the deployment version should get a static IP
  • restart_request_interruption: A boolean indicating whether the requests should be restarted in case of an interruption
  • ports: A list of ports to open up in the deployment
  • scaling_strategy: Scaling strategy for running instances. It can be one of the following: default or moderate
  • instance_processes: Number of processes that are started in each instance

Response Examples

  "id": "4ae7d14b-4803-4e16-b96d-3b18caa4b605",
  "deployment": "deployment-1",
  "version": "version-1",
  "default": true,
  "description": "",
  "environment": "python3-8",
  "environment_display_name": "Python 3.8",
  "status": "available",
  "active_revision": "a74662be-c938-4104-872a-8be1b85f64ff",
  "latest_revision": "a74662be-c938-4104-872a-8be1b85f64ff",
  "instance_type": "512mb",
  "instance_type_group_id": "530c0878-d73c-4ea5-9f5d-f83bc1eeacd7",
  "instance_type_group_name": "512mb",
  "maximum_instances": 4,
  "minimum_instances": 1,
  "maximum_idle_time": 10,
  "labels": {
    "type": "version"
  "creation_date": "2020-05-12T16:23:15.456812Z",
  "last_updated": "2020-06-23T18:04:76.123754Z",
  "last_file_uploaded": "2020-06-21T09:03:01.875391Z",
  "request_retention_time": 604800,
  "request_retention_mode": "full",
  "maximum_queue_size_express": 100,
  "maximum_queue_size_batch": 100000,
  "has_request_method": true,
  "has_requests_method": false,
  "static_ip": false,
  "restart_request_interruption": false,
  "ports": [],
  "scaling_strategy: "moderate",
  "instance_processes": 1


  • Use system environment variables

    import ubiops
    # Set environment variables
    # - UBIOPS_API_HOST: optional - default to ""
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi()
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    version = 'version_example' # str
    data = ubiops.DeploymentVersionUpdate() # DeploymentVersionUpdate
    # Update deployment version
    api_response = core_api.deployment_versions_update(project_name, deployment_name, version, data)
    # Close the connection

  • Use authorization parameters

    import ubiops
    configuration = ubiops.Configuration()
    # Configure API token authorization
    configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = "Token <YOUR_API_TOKEN>"
    # Defining host is optional and default to "" = ""
    api_client = ubiops.ApiClient(configuration)
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi(api_client)
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    version = 'version_example' # str
    data = ubiops.DeploymentVersionUpdate() # DeploymentVersionUpdate
    # Update deployment version
    api_response = core_api.deployment_versions_update(project_name, deployment_name, version, data)
    # Close the connection


Name Type Notes
project_name str
deployment_name str
version str
data DeploymentVersionUpdate

Return type



API token

[Back to top]


DeploymentCreateResponse deployments_create(project_name, data)

Create deployments


Create a deployment by defining the input/output type and input/output fields. In case of plain type of input or output, input and output fields should not be given or passed as an empty list.

Possible data types for the input and output fields are:

  • int: integer
  • string: string
  • double: double precision floating point
  • bool: boolean value (True/False)
  • dict: Python dictionary
  • file: a file. This type of field can be used to pass files to the deployment. In deployment and pipeline requests, the path to the file in the bucket must be provided for this field.
  • array_int: an array of integers
  • array_double: an array of double precision floating points
  • array_string: an array of strings
  • array_file: an array of files

Possible widgets for the input fields are:

  • textbox: textbox
  • numberbox: numberbox
  • slider: slider
  • dropdown: dropdown
  • switch: switch
  • button: upload button
  • drawer: drawer
  • image_preview: image upload with preview

Possible widgets for the output fields are:

  • textbox: textbox
  • button: download button
  • image_preview: image preview

Required Parameters

  • name: Name of the deployment. It is unique within a project.
  • input_type: Type of the input of the deployment. It can be either structured or plain.
  • output_type: Type of the output of the deployment. It can be either structured or plain.
  • input_fields: The list of required deployment input fields. It must contain the fields: name and data_type, and it may contain the field: widget. The name of an input field is unique for a deployment.
  • output_fields: The list of required deployment output fields. It must contain the fields: name and data_type, and it may contain the field: widget. The name of an output field is unique for a deployment.

Optional Parameters

  • description: Description of the deployment
  • labels: Dictionary containing key/value pairs where key indicates the label and value is the corresponding value of that label

Request Examples

A deployment with structured input and output type

  "name": "deployment-1",
  "input_type": "structured",
  "output_type": "structured",
  "input_fields": [
      "name": "input-field-1",
      "data_type": "int"
      "name": "input-field-2",
      "data_type": "double"
  "output_fields": [
      "name": "output-field",
      "data_type": "double"

A deployment with plain input type

  "name": "deployment-1",
  "description": "Deployment one"
  "input_type": "plain",
  "output_type": "structured",
  "output_fields": [
      "name": "output-field",
      "data_type": "double"

A deployment with plain input and output type

  "name": "deployment-1",
  "input_type": "plain",
  "output_type": "plain"
  "labels": {
    "type": "deployment"

A deployment with structured input and output type and field widgets

  "name": "deployment-1",
  "input_type": "structured",
  "output_type": "structured",
  "input_fields": [
      "name": "input-field-1",
      "data_type": "int",
      "widget": {
        "type": "slider",
        "configuration": {"min": 0, "max": 10, "default": 4, "step": 2}
      "name": "input-field-2",
      "data_type": "double",
      "widget": {
        "type": "numberbox",
        "configuration": {"min": 0, "max": 1, "default": 0.5, "step": 0.1}
  "output_fields": [
      "name": "output-field",
      "data_type": "double",
      "widget": {
        "type": "textbox",
        "configuration": {}

Response Structure

Details of the created deployment

  • id: Unique identifier for the deployment (UUID)
  • name: Name of the deployment
  • project: Project name in which the deployment is created
  • input_type: Type of the input of the deployment
  • output_type: Type of the output of the deployment
  • input_fields: The list of deployment input fields containing name and data_type
  • output_fields: The list of deployment output fields containing name and data_type
  • description: Description of the deployment
  • labels: Dictionary containing key/value pairs where key indicates the label and value is the corresponding value of that label
  • creation_date: The date when the deployment was created
  • last_updated: The date when the deployment was last updated

Response Examples

  "id": "903ccd12-81d1-46e1-9ac9-b9d70af118de",
  "name": "deployment-1",
  "project": "project-1",
  "description": "",
  "input_type": "structured",
  "output_type": "structured",
  "input_fields": [
      "name": "input-field-1",
      "data_type": "int",
      "widget": {}
      "name": "input-field-2",
      "data_type": "double",
      "widget": {}
  "output_fields": [
      "name": "output-field",
      "data_type": "double",
      "widget": {}
  "labels": {
    "type": "deployment"
  "creation_date": "2020-06-18T08:32:14.876451Z",
  "last_updated": "2020-06-18T08:32:14.876451Z"


  • Use system environment variables

    import ubiops
    # Set environment variables
    # - UBIOPS_API_HOST: optional - default to ""
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi()
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    data = ubiops.DeploymentCreate() # DeploymentCreate
    # Create deployments
    api_response = core_api.deployments_create(project_name, data)
    # Close the connection

  • Use authorization parameters

    import ubiops
    configuration = ubiops.Configuration()
    # Configure API token authorization
    configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = "Token <YOUR_API_TOKEN>"
    # Defining host is optional and default to "" = ""
    api_client = ubiops.ApiClient(configuration)
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi(api_client)
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    data = ubiops.DeploymentCreate() # DeploymentCreate
    # Create deployments
    api_response = core_api.deployments_create(project_name, data)
    # Close the connection


Name Type Notes
project_name str
data DeploymentCreate

Return type



API token

[Back to top]


deployments_delete(project_name, deployment_name)

Delete a deployment


Delete a deployment. If any of the versions of the deployment are referenced in a pipeline, the deployment cannot be deleted.


  • Use system environment variables

    import ubiops
    # Set environment variables
    # - UBIOPS_API_HOST: optional - default to ""
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi()
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    # Delete a deployment
    core_api.deployments_delete(project_name, deployment_name)
    # Close the connection

  • Use authorization parameters

    import ubiops
    configuration = ubiops.Configuration()
    # Configure API token authorization
    configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = "Token <YOUR_API_TOKEN>"
    # Defining host is optional and default to "" = ""
    api_client = ubiops.ApiClient(configuration)
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi(api_client)
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    # Delete a deployment
    core_api.deployments_delete(project_name, deployment_name)
    # Close the connection


Name Type Notes
project_name str
deployment_name str

Return type

void (empty response body)


API token

[Back to top]


DeploymentDetail deployments_get(project_name, deployment_name)

Get details of a deployment


Retrieve details of a single deployment in a project

Response Structure

Details of a deployment

  • id: Unique identifier for the deployment (UUID)
  • name: Name of the deployment
  • project: Project name in which the deployment is defined
  • input_type: Type of the input of the deployment
  • output_type: Type of the output of the deployment
  • input_fields: The list of deployment input fields containing name, data_type and widget
  • output_fields: The list of deployment output fields containing name, data_type and widget
  • description: Description of the deployment
  • labels: Dictionary containing key/value pairs where key indicates the label and value is the corresponding value of that label
  • creation_date: The date when the deployment was created
  • last_updated: The date when the deployment was last updated
  • default_version: Default version of the deployment. If it does not have a default version, it is not set.

Response Examples

  "id": "903ccd12-81d1-46e1-9ac9-b9d70af118de",
  "name": "deployment-1",
  "project": "project-1",
  "description": "",
  "input_type": "structured",
  "output_type": "structured",
  "input_fields": [
      "name": "input-field-1",
      "data_type": "int",
      "widget": {}
      "name": "input-field-2",
      "data_type": "double",
      "widget": {}
  "output_fields": [
      "name": "output-field",
      "data_type": "double",
      "widget": {}
  "labels": {
    "type": "deployment"
  "creation_date": "2020-06-18T08:32:14.876451Z",
  "last_updated": "2020-06-19T10:52:23.124784Z",
  "default_version": "v1"


  • Use system environment variables

    import ubiops
    # Set environment variables
    # - UBIOPS_API_HOST: optional - default to ""
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi()
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    # Get details of a deployment
    api_response = core_api.deployments_get(project_name, deployment_name)
    # Close the connection

  • Use authorization parameters

    import ubiops
    configuration = ubiops.Configuration()
    # Configure API token authorization
    configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = "Token <YOUR_API_TOKEN>"
    # Defining host is optional and default to "" = ""
    api_client = ubiops.ApiClient(configuration)
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi(api_client)
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    # Get details of a deployment
    api_response = core_api.deployments_get(project_name, deployment_name)
    # Close the connection


Name Type Notes
project_name str
deployment_name str

Return type



API token

[Back to top]


list[DeploymentList] deployments_list(project_name, labels=labels)

List deployments


Deployments can be filtered according to the labels they have by giving labels as a query parameter. Deployments that have at least one of the labels on which is filtered, are returned.

Optional Parameters

  • labels: Filter on labels of the deployment. Should be given in the format 'label:label_value'. Separate multiple label-pairs with a comma (,). This parameter should be given as query parameter.

Response Structure

A list of details of the deployments in the project

  • id: Unique identifier for the deployment (UUID)
  • name: Name of the deployment
  • project: Project name in which the deployment is defined
  • input_type: Type of the input of the deployment
  • output_type: Type of the output of the deployment
  • input_fields: The list of deployment input fields containing name and data_type. It is empty in case of plain input type deployments.
  • output_fields: The list of deployment output fields containing name and data_type. It is empty in case of plain output type deployments.
  • description: Description of the deployment
  • labels: Dictionary containing key/value pairs where key indicates the label and value is the corresponding value of that label
  • creation_date: The date when the deployment was created
  • last_updated: The date when the deployment was last updated

Response Examples

    "id": "903ccd12-81d1-46e1-9ac9-b9d70af118de",
    "name": "deployment-1",
    "project": "project-1",
    "description": "Temperature deployment",
    "input_type": "structured",
    "output_type": "structured",
    "input_fields": [
        "name": "input-field-1",
        "data_type": "int"
        "name": "input-field-2",
        "data_type": "double"
    "output_fields": [
        "name": "output-field",
        "data_type": "double"
    "labels": {
      "type": "deployment"
    "creation_date": "2020-05-12T16:23:15.456812Z",
    "last_updated": "2020-06-22T18:04:76.123754Z"
    "id": "5f4e942f-d5b8-4d62-99b2-870c15a82127",
    "name": "deployment-2",
    "project": "project-1",
    "description": "Deployment two",
    "input_type": "structured",
    "output_type": "plain",
    "input_fields": [
        "name": "input-field",
        "data_type": "int"
    "output_fields": [],
    "labels": {
      "type": "deployment"
    "creation_date": "2020-03-24T09:43:51.791253Z",
    "last_updated": "2020-05-19T11:52:21.163270Z"
    "id": "bd3fae9d-aeec-4cf3-8ef0-5f9224d41904",
    "name": "deployment-3",
    "description": "",
    "project": "project-1",
    "input_type": "plain",
    "output_type": "plain",
    "input_fields": [],
    "output_fields": [],
    "creation_date": "2020-06-18T08:32:14.876451Z",
    "last_updated": "2020-06-19T10:52:23.124784Z"


  • Use system environment variables

    import ubiops
    # Set environment variables
    # - UBIOPS_API_HOST: optional - default to ""
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi()
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    labels = "label1:value1,label2:value2" # str (optional)
    # List deployments
    api_response = core_api.deployments_list(project_name, labels=labels)
    # Close the connection

  • Use authorization parameters

    import ubiops
    configuration = ubiops.Configuration()
    # Configure API token authorization
    configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = "Token <YOUR_API_TOKEN>"
    # Defining host is optional and default to "" = ""
    api_client = ubiops.ApiClient(configuration)
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi(api_client)
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    labels = "label1:value1,label2:value2" # str (optional)
    # List deployments
    api_response = core_api.deployments_list(project_name, labels=labels)
    # Close the connection


Name Type Notes
project_name str
labels str [optional]

Return type



API token

[Back to top]


DeploymentDetail deployments_update(project_name, deployment_name, data)

Update a deployment


Update a deployment

Optional Parameters

  • name: New name for the deployment
  • description: New description for the deployment
  • labels: New dictionary containing key/value pairs where key indicates the label and value is the corresponding value of that label. The new labels will replace the existing value for labels.
  • default_version: Name of a version of this deployment which will be assigned as default. Only available versions can be assigned as default.
  • input_fields: New input fields for the deployment
  • output_fields: New output fields for the deployment

Input and output fields can be updated (name, data type or widget), added or removed. For deployments that are attached in a pipeline or contain any input/output widgets, fields must be updated one at a time so that the updates can be performed while preserving the mapping/widgets.

Request Examples

  "name": "new-deployment-name"

Response Structure

Details of the updated deployment

  • id: Unique identifier for the deployment (UUID)
  • name: Name of the deployment
  • project: Project name in which the deployment is defined
  • input_type: Type of the input of the deployment
  • output_type: Type of the output of the deployment
  • input_fields: The list of deployment input fields containing name, data_type and (optional) widget
  • output_fields: The list of deployment output fields containing name, data_type and (optional) widget
  • description: Description of the deployment
  • labels: Dictionary containing key/value pairs where key indicates the label and value is the corresponding value of that label
  • creation_date: The date when the deployment was created
  • last_updated: The date when the deployment was last updated
  • default_version: Default version of the deployment. If it does not have a default version, it is not set.

Response Examples

  "id": "903ccd12-81d1-46e1-9ac9-b9d70af118de",
  "name": "new-deployment-name",
  "project": "project-1",
  "description": "New deployment description",
  "input_type": "structured",
  "output_type": "structured",
  "input_fields": [
      "name": "input-field-1",
      "data_type": "int",
      "widget": {}
      "name": "input-field-2",
      "data_type": "double",
      "widget": {}
  "output_fields": [
      "name": "output-field",
      "data_type": "double",
      "widget": {}
  "labels": {
    "type": "deployment"
  "creation_date": "2020-06-18T08:32:14.876451Z",
  "last_updated": "2020-06-19T10:52:23.124784Z",
  "default_version": "v1"


  • Use system environment variables

    import ubiops
    # Set environment variables
    # - UBIOPS_API_HOST: optional - default to ""
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi()
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    data = ubiops.DeploymentUpdate() # DeploymentUpdate
    # Update a deployment
    api_response = core_api.deployments_update(project_name, deployment_name, data)
    # Close the connection

  • Use authorization parameters

    import ubiops
    configuration = ubiops.Configuration()
    # Configure API token authorization
    configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = "Token <YOUR_API_TOKEN>"
    # Defining host is optional and default to "" = ""
    api_client = ubiops.ApiClient(configuration)
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi(api_client)
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    data = ubiops.DeploymentUpdate() # DeploymentUpdate
    # Update a deployment
    api_response = core_api.deployments_update(project_name, deployment_name, data)
    # Close the connection


Name Type Notes
project_name str
deployment_name str
data DeploymentUpdate

Return type



API token

[Back to top]


file revisions_file_download(project_name, deployment_name, revision_id, version)

Download deployment file


Download the deployment file of a revision of a version

Response Structure

  • file: Deployment file of the version


  • Use system environment variables

    import ubiops
    # Set environment variables
    # - UBIOPS_API_HOST: optional - default to ""
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi()
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    revision_id = 'revision_id_example' # str
    version = 'version_example' # str
    # Download deployment file
    with core_api.revisions_file_download(project_name, deployment_name, revision_id, version) as response:
        filename = response.getfilename()
        content =
    # Or directly save the file in the current working directory using _preload_content=True
    # output_path = core_api.revisions_file_download(project_name, deployment_name, revision_id, version, _preload_content=True)
    # Close the connection

  • Use authorization parameters

    import ubiops
    configuration = ubiops.Configuration()
    # Configure API token authorization
    configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = "Token <YOUR_API_TOKEN>"
    # Defining host is optional and default to "" = ""
    api_client = ubiops.ApiClient(configuration)
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi(api_client)
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    revision_id = 'revision_id_example' # str
    version = 'version_example' # str
    # Download deployment file
    with core_api.revisions_file_download(project_name, deployment_name, revision_id, version) as response:
        filename = response.getfilename()
        content =
    # Or directly save the file in the current working directory using _preload_content=True
    # output_path = core_api.revisions_file_download(project_name, deployment_name, revision_id, version, _preload_content=True)
    # Close the connection


Name Type Notes
project_name str
deployment_name str
revision_id str
version str

Return type



API token

[Back to top]


RevisionCreate revisions_file_upload(project_name, deployment_name, version, file=file, source_deployment=source_deployment, source_version=source_version, template_deployment_id=template_deployment_id)

Upload deployment file


Upload a deployment file for a version. Uploading a deployment file will create a new revision and trigger a validation. This file should contain the deployment that will be run. It should be provided as a zip and a template can be found on The file is saved under a directory in the storage specified in the settings.

It is also possible to provide a source version from which the deployment file will be copied. This will also create a new revision and trigger a validation.

Optional Parameters

  • file: Deployment file
  • source_deployment: Name of the deployment from which the deployment file will be copied
  • source_version: Version from which the deployment file will be copied
  • template_deployment_id: UUID of a template deployment which will be used as the source of the deployment file

Either file or source_deployment and source_version must be provided. source_deployment and source_version must be provided together.

Response Structure

  • success: Boolean indicating whether the deployment file upload/copy succeeded or not
  • revision: UUID of the created revision for the file upload
  • build: [DEPRECATED] UUID of the created revision for the file upload


  • Use system environment variables

    import ubiops
    # Set environment variables
    # - UBIOPS_API_HOST: optional - default to ""
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi()
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    version = 'version_example' # str
    file = '/path/to/file' # file (optional)
    source_deployment = 'source_deployment_example' # str (optional)
    source_version = 'source_version_example' # str (optional)
    template_deployment_id = 'template_deployment_id_example' # str (optional)
    # Upload deployment file
    api_response = core_api.revisions_file_upload(project_name, deployment_name, version, file=file, source_deployment=source_deployment, source_version=source_version, template_deployment_id=template_deployment_id)
    # Close the connection

  • Use authorization parameters

    import ubiops
    configuration = ubiops.Configuration()
    # Configure API token authorization
    configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = "Token <YOUR_API_TOKEN>"
    # Defining host is optional and default to "" = ""
    api_client = ubiops.ApiClient(configuration)
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi(api_client)
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    version = 'version_example' # str
    file = '/path/to/file' # file (optional)
    source_deployment = 'source_deployment_example' # str (optional)
    source_version = 'source_version_example' # str (optional)
    template_deployment_id = 'template_deployment_id_example' # str (optional)
    # Upload deployment file
    api_response = core_api.revisions_file_upload(project_name, deployment_name, version, file=file, source_deployment=source_deployment, source_version=source_version, template_deployment_id=template_deployment_id)
    # Close the connection


Name Type Notes
project_name str
deployment_name str
version str
file file [optional]
source_deployment str [optional]
source_version str [optional]
template_deployment_id str [optional]

Return type



API token

[Back to top]


RevisionList revisions_get(project_name, deployment_name, revision_id, version)

Get revision


Retrieve details of a single revision of a version

Response Structure

A dictionary containing details of the revision

  • id: Unique identifier for the revision (UUID)
  • version: Version to which the revision is linked
  • creation_date: The date when the revision was created
  • created_by: The email of the user that uploaded the deployment file. In case the revision is created by a service, the field will have a "UbiOps" value.
  • status: Status of the revision. Can be 'queued', 'building', 'success' or 'failed'.
  • error_message: Error message which explains why the revision has failed. It is empty if the revision is successful.
  • has_request_method: Whether the deployment code corresponding to the revision has a 'request' method
  • has_requests_method: Whether the deployment code corresponding to the revision has a 'requests' method

Response Examples

  "id": "a009d7c9-67e4-4d3c-89fd-d3c8b07c7242",
  "version": "v1",
  "creation_date": "2020-12-23T16:35:13.069+00:00",
  "created_by": "[email protected]",
  "status": "success",
  "error_message": "",
  "has_request_method": true,
  "has_requests_method": false


  • Use system environment variables

    import ubiops
    # Set environment variables
    # - UBIOPS_API_HOST: optional - default to ""
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi()
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    revision_id = 'revision_id_example' # str
    version = 'version_example' # str
    # Get revision
    api_response = core_api.revisions_get(project_name, deployment_name, revision_id, version)
    # Close the connection

  • Use authorization parameters

    import ubiops
    configuration = ubiops.Configuration()
    # Configure API token authorization
    configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = "Token <YOUR_API_TOKEN>"
    # Defining host is optional and default to "" = ""
    api_client = ubiops.ApiClient(configuration)
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi(api_client)
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    revision_id = 'revision_id_example' # str
    version = 'version_example' # str
    # Get revision
    api_response = core_api.revisions_get(project_name, deployment_name, revision_id, version)
    # Close the connection


Name Type Notes
project_name str
deployment_name str
revision_id str
version str

Return type



API token

[Back to top]


list[RevisionList] revisions_list(project_name, deployment_name, version)

List revisions


List all revisions associated with a version. A new revision is created every time a new deployment file is uploaded for a version.

Response Structure

A list of details of the revisions

  • id: Unique identifier for the revision (UUID)
  • version: Version to which the revision is linked
  • creation_date: The date when the revision was created
  • created_by: The email of the user that uploaded the deployment file. In case the revision is created by a service, the field will have a "UbiOps" value.
  • status: Status of the revision. Can be 'queued', 'building', 'success' or 'failed'.
  • error_message: Error message which explains why the revision has failed. It is empty if the revision is successful.
  • has_request_method: Whether the deployment code corresponding to the revision has a 'request' method
  • has_requests_method: Whether the deployment code corresponding to the revision has a 'requests' method

Response Examples

    "id": "7ead8a18-c1d2-4751-80d2-d8e0e0e2fed6",
    "version": "v1",
    "creation_date": "2020-12-23T16:15:11.181+00:00",
    "created_by": "UbiOps",
    "status": "building",
    "error_message": "",
    "has_request_method": true,
    "has_requests_method": false
    "id": "a009d7c9-67e4-4d3c-89fd-d3c8b07c7242",
    "version": "v1",
    "creation_date": "2020-12-23T16:35:13.069+00:00",
    "created_by": "[email protected]",
    "status": "success",
    "error_message": "",
    "has_request_method": true,
    "has_requests_method": false


  • Use system environment variables

    import ubiops
    # Set environment variables
    # - UBIOPS_API_HOST: optional - default to ""
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi()
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    version = 'version_example' # str
    # List revisions
    api_response = core_api.revisions_list(project_name, deployment_name, version)
    # Close the connection

  • Use authorization parameters

    import ubiops
    configuration = ubiops.Configuration()
    # Configure API token authorization
    configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = "Token <YOUR_API_TOKEN>"
    # Defining host is optional and default to "" = ""
    api_client = ubiops.ApiClient(configuration)
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi(api_client)
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    version = 'version_example' # str
    # List revisions
    api_response = core_api.revisions_list(project_name, deployment_name, version)
    # Close the connection


Name Type Notes
project_name str
deployment_name str
version str

Return type



API token

[Back to top]


RevisionList revisions_rebuild(project_name, deployment_name, revision_id, version, data)

Rebuild revision


Trigger a rebuild for a revision of a deployment

Response Structure

Details of the created revision

  • id: Unique identifier for the revision (UUID)
  • version: Version to which the revision is linked
  • creation_date: The date when the revision was created
  • created_by: The email of the user that created the revision
  • status: Status of the revision
  • error_message: Error message which explains why the revision has failed. It is empty if the revision is successful.
  • has_request_method: Whether the deployment code corresponding to the revision has a 'request' method
  • has_requests_method: Whether the deployment code corresponding to the revision has a 'requests' method

Response Examples

  "id": "a009d7c9-67e4-4d3c-89fd-d3c8b07c7242",
  "version": "v1",
  "creation_date": "2022-12-23T16:35:13.069+00:00",
  "created_by": "[email protected]",
  "status": "building",
  "error_message": "",
  "has_request_method": true,
  "has_requests_method": false


  • Use system environment variables

    import ubiops
    # Set environment variables
    # - UBIOPS_API_HOST: optional - default to ""
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi()
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    revision_id = 'revision_id_example' # str
    version = 'version_example' # str
    data = {'input-field-1': 'input-value-1', 'input-field-2': 'input-value-2'} # str or dict()
    # Rebuild revision
    api_response = core_api.revisions_rebuild(project_name, deployment_name, revision_id, version, data)
    # Close the connection

  • Use authorization parameters

    import ubiops
    configuration = ubiops.Configuration()
    # Configure API token authorization
    configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = "Token <YOUR_API_TOKEN>"
    # Defining host is optional and default to "" = ""
    api_client = ubiops.ApiClient(configuration)
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi(api_client)
    project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
    deployment_name = 'deployment_name_example' # str
    revision_id = 'revision_id_example' # str
    version = 'version_example' # str
    data = {'input-field-1': 'input-value-1', 'input-field-2': 'input-value-2'} # str or dict()
    # Rebuild revision
    api_response = core_api.revisions_rebuild(project_name, deployment_name, revision_id, version, data)
    # Close the connection


Name Type Notes
project_name str
deployment_name str
revision_id str
version str
data str or dict()

Return type



API token

[Back to top]


list[TemplateDeploymentList] template_deployments_list()

List template deployments


Get the list of all available template deployments

Response Structure

  • id: Unique identifier for the template deployment (UUID)
  • details: A dictionary containing all the required fields to create a deployment and a deployment version for the template deployment

Response Examples

    "id": "acb0c49a-23f8-4b04-94ed-a9c1a5a0119b",
    "details": {
      "name": "deployment-2",
      "input_type": "structured",
      "output_type": "structured",
      "input_fields": [
          "name": "field-1",
          "data_type": "int"
      "output_fields": [
          "name": "field-1",
          "data_type": "int"
      "labels": {
        "template": "True"
      "description": "",
      "version": {
        "name": "v2",
        "environment": "python3-11",
        "description": "",
        "labels": {
          "template": "True"
        "instance_type_group_id": "530c0878-d73c-4ea5-9f5d-f83bc1eeacd7",
        "maximum_idle_time": "300",
        "maximum_instances": "1",
        "minimum_instances": "0",
        "request_retention_mode": "full",
        "request_retention_time": 604800


  • Use system environment variables

    import ubiops
    # Set environment variables
    # - UBIOPS_API_HOST: optional - default to ""
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi()
    # List template deployments
    api_response = core_api.template_deployments_list()
    # Close the connection

  • Use authorization parameters

    import ubiops
    configuration = ubiops.Configuration()
    # Configure API token authorization
    configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = "Token <YOUR_API_TOKEN>"
    # Defining host is optional and default to "" = ""
    api_client = ubiops.ApiClient(configuration)
    core_api = ubiops.CoreApi(api_client)
    # List template deployments
    api_response = core_api.template_deployments_list()
    # Close the connection


This endpoint does not need any parameter.

Return type



API token

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