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UbiOps uses organizations to group projects. After signing up, users need to create a new organization with a first Project, or be invited to an existing organization. Users can be part of multiple organizations with the same user account.

Permissions are controlled on a project level in UbiOps. When organization admins create a project, they are automatically assigned the project-admin role for that project. See Permissions and roles for more information about the permission system.

Details about the organization of a project reside in the admin area, which can be found by clicking on the build icon in the top left corner, right next to the project selector. Only organization admins are able to see this icon. The Subscription page displays information about the subscription of the organization. The Usage page shows the daily usage of the current month and if the resource limits of the subscription are reached. The Users page holds information about the users in the organization, and the Projects page displays an overview of the projects in the organization.

Creating users

Users can be invited when they do not have a UbiOps account yet. You can do so by clicking on the build icon in the top left corner, right next to the project selector, and then selecting the Users page in the left sidebar. From this screen users can be invited by clicking the [+] Add user icon. The only thing required is the email address of the user you want to invite. Selecting Admin will give the user permissions to get and update details of the organization and invite or add other users. On the next page, you are able to assign roles to the invited user, so they can immediately get started on UbiOps. Click on Done and the user will get an email that allows them to sign-up, after which they are automatically added to your organization.

Assign roles

Do not forget to assign roles to a user after inviting them, otherwise they will not be able to perform any action in your project.


After signing up, the user is required to create an organization.

Depending on the subscription of the organization, users are able, for example, to create multiple projects in their organization.

The user creating an organization is automatically granted the admin status of the organization.

Organization admins are able to:

  • Invite other users to their organization
  • Create projects
  • Change the admin status of organization users

Two-factor authentication

UbiOps supports two-factor authentication (2FA). Organization admins can also enforce 2FA for all their organization members. As an admin you can do this by navigating to your Team page and clicking Enforce 2FA for all. Any users in your team will then be prompted to set up 2FA on their next login, if they haven't already.