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Rate limiting

HTTP requests to the UbiOps API are rate limited. Rate limiting is a technique to control the number of incoming requests in a given time period to our API service. We do this to prevent abuse of our platforms and avoid overloads caused by excessive usage or mistakes.

Rate limits apply per source IP address that API requests originate from. This means that the UbiOps API allows a limited number of requests per individual IP address every minute. The user making the request or the project that is used does not matter.

Rate limits can be increased upon request.

Automatic request retries

The Python client library will automatically retry requests when rate limits are exceeded. You can turn this behavior off by changing the auto_retry_rate_limiting setting on the ubiops.Configuration object.

Applicable rate limits

UbiOps API endpoints are grouped in four categories:

  • A request endpoint group: this includes all API endpoints for creating, listing, retrieving or deleting deployment or pipeline requests.
  • A files endpoint group: this includes all API endpoints for creating, listing, retrieving or deleting files.
  • A user endpoint group: this includes all API endpoints for registration, authentication and interacting with accounts.
  • A general endpoint group: this includes all remaining API endpoints.

The following rate limits apply to each of the endpoint groups:

Endpoint group Maximum requests per minute
Requests endpoint group 300 per minute
Files endpoint group 300 per minute
User endpoint group 30 per minute
General endpoint group 300 per minute

The limits apply per endpoint group. This means that you could for example make 300 calls to endpoints in the requests endpoint group and 300 calls to endpoints in the general endpoint group in the same minute.


Every API response includes headers with information about the status of the applicable rate limit. You can use these headers to automatically keep the request rates within limits in your application.

The following headers are available:

Header Description
x-ratelimit-limit Total limit on number of requests per minute to this endpoint group
x-ratelimit-remaining Remaining limit on number of requests until the end of the current minute
x-ratelimit-reset Number of seconds until the rate limit resets

Increasing the limits

If you are hitting our limits and can not optimize your application further to make less requests, you can contact our support department to request an increase of your rate limit.

In your request, please explain your use case and usage patterns, desired limits and the IP address(es) that you want to increase the limits for.