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Tracking deployment metrics on UbiOps

When you have deployed a model to production with UbiOps, you might want to track some custom metrics over time for a performance indication. This how-to guides you through the process of creating a new custom metric and logging data to it from your deployment code. We cover the following steps

  1. Define a new metric in UbiOps
  2. Adjust your deployment code to log datapoints for this metric.
  3. Tracking your metric in the WebApp

Defining a new metric in UbiOps

Before you can track any custom metric in UbiOps, the metric needs to be defined. You can either do this in the WebApp by navigating to Monitoring > Metrics > Create new metric, or via code. Let's walk through both.

When you click Create new custom metric in the WebApp, you will be redirected to a form where you need to provide the following information:

  • Name: the name of your custom metric. It always has to begin with custom.. This is the name that will be used for the titles of associated graphs later. In our example we can call our metric custom.example
  • Description (optional): the description of your custom metric.
  • Unit (optional): the unit of measurement for your custom metric In our case we can use count.
  • Metric type: how this metric should be processed. We support Gauge and Delta metrics (see metrics for more details). For our example we can use Gauge.
  • Metric level (referred to as labels in the API): on what level do you plan to store the metric? In our case we need the metric on deployment level.

Creating a custom metric

When you click Create the metric will be created, and you can start logging data to it. Alternatively, you can also do the same with the Python client library:

import ubiops

configuration = ubiops.Configuration()
# Configure API token authorization
configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = "Token <YOUR_API_TOKEN>"
api_client = ubiops.ApiClient(configuration)
core_api = ubiops.CoreApi(api_client)

project_name = 'project_name_example' # str
data = ubiops.MetricCreate(
    name = 'custom.example',
    description = 'An example metric',
    metric_type = 'gauge',
    unit = 'count',
    labels = ['deployment_version_id']

# Create the metric
api_response = core_api.metrics_create(project_name, data)

Custom metric labels

If you do not intend to tie your custom metric to deployments, pipelines or training runs, it is also possible to pass different labels. This can only be done when working with the client library or API directly.

Logging datapoints from your deployment code

Now that the metric has been created in UbiOps, we can start logging data to it from our deployment code. You just need to start up a UbiOps metric client, and use its log_metric function.

from ubiops.utils.metrics import MetricClient

# Start the metric client
metric_client = MetricClient(project_name = "your_project_name")

# Log the metric
    metric_name = "custom.example",
    labels = {"deployment_version_id": "your_deployment_version_id"},
    value = your_metric_value

# Flush all metrics

Let's have a look at how this would work with in your deployment code.

from ubiops.utils.metrics import MetricClient

class Deployment:

    def __init__(self, base_directory, context):
        print("Initialising deployment")
        self.metric_client = MetricClient(project_name=context["project"])
        self.context = context

    def request(self, data, context):
        print(f"Processing request {context['id']}")

        example_value = 1

        # Log metrics to UbiOps
        print("Logging metrics...")
        self.metric_client.log_metric(metric_name="custom.example", labels={"deployment_version_id": self.context["version_id"]}, value=example_value)        

        return {}

    def stop(self):
        # Flush all metrics

The project name and the deployment version id can be retrieved from the context parameter passed in the init function, and used to log the metric value correctly.

Viewing your data

When you define your metric and adjust your code to track it as defined in the previous steps, you will be able to see your custom metric data in the UbiOps WebApp. Simply navigate to your deployment version details page and click on the Metrics tab. The graph in the WebApp will have a resolution of maximum one value per minute.

Custom deployment metrics