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UbiOps version 2.9.0

Client library version

Python client library version for this release: 3.3.0
CLI version for this release: 2.3.0

On the 3rd of June 2021 we have released new functionality and made improvements to our UbiOps SaaS product. An overview of the new functionality and changes:

Improved request storage and retention

A number of improvements have been made related to storing and managing the data of requests made to deployments and pipelines:

  • It is now possible to store and analyse the requests that are made directly to deployments or pipelines. Previously only batch requests were stored.
  • You can define precisely what data is stored, for each individual deployment or pipeline version. UbiOps can be configured to either store all data of a request, only the metadata, or nothing at all.
  • In addition, it is now possible to define after how long the stored request data should be deleted.

For more information about storage and retention of requests, see Request storage and retention.

Pipeline output

It is now possible to define output fields for pipelines, similar to the output fields of deployments. This way the result of a pipeline can be evaluated without having to look at - or even save - the deployment requests in a pipeline.

Pipeline output is not mandatory, and all existing pipelines are automatically converted to pipelines without any output. No changes to existing pipelines are required.


A dedicated monitoring section is now available in the WebApp, where you can find detailed graphs on the activity in a project. It is also possible to compare different deployments or pipelines with each other.

Updated CLI and Client Libraries

The UbiOps Command Line Interface and Client Libraries have been updated to support the new functionality and the changes that were made.

Please update your client libraries to continue using the latest features.

API endpoint deprecation

Following the changes made to pipelines and request storage, a number of API endpoints related to creating and viewing requests have been deprecated:

POST /projects/{project_name}/deployments/{deployment_name}/request
GET /projects/{project_name}/deployments/{deployment_name}/request-batch
POST /projects/{project_name}/deployments/{deployment_name}/request-batch
POST /projects/{project_name}/deployments/{deployment_name}/request-batch-collect
POST /projects/{project_name}/deployments/{deployment_name}/request-batch-delete
GET /projects/{project_name}/deployments/{deployment_name}/request-batch/{request_id}
DELETE /projects/{project_name}/deployments/{deployment_name}/request-batch/{request_id}

POST /projects/{project_name}/pipelines/{pipeline_name}/request
GET /projects/{project_name}/pipelines/{pipeline_name}/request-batch
POST /projects/{project_name}/pipelines/{pipeline_name}/request-batch
POST /projects/{project_name}/pipelines/{pipeline_name}/request-batch-collect
POST /projects/{project_name}/pipelines/{pipeline_name}/request-batch-delete
GET /projects/{project_name}/pipelines/{pipeline_name}/request-batch/{request_id}
DELETE /projects/{project_name}/pipelines/{pipeline_name}/request-batch/{request_id}

All deprecated API endpoints have been replaced with new endpoints offering the same functionality, including the new features.

The deprecated endpoints will be removed in a future release of UbiOps. The latest versions of the WebApp, CLI and client libraries already do not use these endpoints anymore.

We ask customers that implemented custom code or applications that use the deprecated endpoints to update those to the new endpoints in the near future. Customers still using these endpoints will be notified in advance before the endpoints are removed.

All non-deprecated API endpoints can be found in our Swagger API documentation.